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拿破仑所著小说《克利松与欧仁妮》波兰军团的创始者——东布罗夫斯基 路易斯-皮雷•蒙布伦和他的骑兵生涯
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[求助] 拿破仑时代欧洲各国对犹政策

发表于 2011-8-21 23:37:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
引自 乔治 勒弗尔的《拿破仑时代》
有些犹太人在阿尔萨斯和洛林放高利贷,引起了极大的民愤,因为高利贷常常剥夺了农民的产业;皇帝早已反对高利贷,他不顾参政院的反对,于1806 年5 月30 日同意犹太人的债务人延期偿付债款。问题因此呈现了三重性。1806 年7 月20 日,在巴黎召开了一次犹太人代表大会,出席大会的九十五名代表均由郡守指定,他们与皇帝的特派员们达成了协议;然后大会决定戏剧性地重新组织“最高评议会”,其中包括二十六名俗界人士和四十五名犹太法师;“最高评议会”向欧洲的犹太人发表了一个声明,并于1807 年2 月9 日同意废除一夫多妻制,承认民事婚姻,同意服兵役,不得顶替,以及看来是必要的一些经济措施。皇帝的决定直到1808 年3 月18 日才宣布。礼拜在犹太教堂内进行,每郡至多只有一个犹太法师的大教堂,巴黎有一个犹太法师总会;宗教费用向信徒摊派来维持。另外一道有效期为十年的敕令废除了矿工、妇女和军人的债务,强制犹太债权人证明他借出的钱是给足十成的,除非债务人是商人,敕令还授权法庭可以减少或取消拖欠的利息,也可以规定延期偿还,这个敕令规定不适用于吉伦特郡,但实际上也只在阿尔萨斯和洛林得以贯彻。对犹太人课一种特别税,并对其典当业制定了一些规章;犹太人被禁止移人阿尔萨斯,而在其它地方则要求移入的犹太人必须在乡村购买一项产业。最后,1808 年7 月20日的法令强制犹太人选择一个姓氏。我们可以看出,拿破仑大概认为必须制止高利贷,高利贷会激起骚乱并迫使农民外迁;但是他的措施是否有助于犹太人的同化,这一点值得怀疑,而且他任凭其自由选择姓氏,这就推迟了这种同化。尽管如此他的同时代的人并不认为他的政策于犹太人不利;他这种政策曾在欧洲轰动一时,并且同其他国家政策相比曾使他获得各地犹太人团体的同情,但是也遭到他们的敌人的诅咒。

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发表于 2011-8-24 10:56:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-8-24 13:13:34 | 显示全部楼层
皇帝日理万机 大概也没空关心犹太人的事情。。。
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发表于 2011-8-26 11:13:23 | 显示全部楼层
回复 3# gobi9 。。
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发表于 2011-8-26 21:03:20 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-29 19:52:09 | 显示全部楼层
回复 4# 帝国崇拜者

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发表于 2011-8-29 21:41:48 | 显示全部楼层
东方的皇帝 发表于 2011-8-24 10:56

    拿破仑一直以犹太人的解放者著称,关于这个问题恐怕没有比前几年刚过世的世界拿破仑协会主席本 韦德先生更有发言权了:
    在《拿破仑与犹太人》这篇文章中韦德先生称拿破仑的对犹政策是“One of the many contributions that Napoleon has made, and perhaps his most important and lasting one, ”。
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发表于 2011-8-29 21:55:18 | 显示全部楼层
下面是勒弗尔《拿破仑时代》中的一些描述,引文中加 ...
Nick 发表于 2011-8-21 23:37

    在维基百科的NAPOLEON AND THE JEWS词条中有详细介绍:
    摘录一部分 欧洲诸国对拿破仑的政策反应以及当时欧洲的犹太人:
The reactions of the major European powers
The first to object against the creation of the Great Sanhedrin was the Russian Czar Alexander I. He vehemently denounced the liberties given to the Jews and went further still, demanding that the Orthodox Church protest against Napoleon's tolerant religious policy. He referred to the Emperor in a proclamation as "the Anti Christ" and the "Enemy of God".
The Holy Synod of Moscow proclaimed : "In order to destroy the foundations of the Churches of Christendom, the Emperor of the French has invited into his capital all the Judaic synagogues and he furthermore intends to found a new Hebrew Sanhedrin. Which is the same tribunal that dared long ago to condemn the Lord Jesus to be crucified."
In Austria, the Chancellor Metternich wrote "I fear that the Jews will believe (Napoleon) to be their promised Messiah".
In Prussia, the Lutheran Church was extremely hostile, while in Italy the reactions were less virulent but remained unfriendly.
The reaction of London was unequivocal, rejecting the principle and doctrine of the Sanhedrin.
The Czar was able to persuade Napoleon to sign a decree restricting the freedoms accorded to the Jews on the 17th of March 1808. Napoleon hoped that in exchange the Czar would keep his promise to put pressure on London in order to end the war. But three months later the Emperor effectively cancelled the decree by allowing local authorities to implement his earlier reforms. More than half of the départements restored the freedoms guaranteed to citizens to Jews.
Jews in Europe
All the states under French authority applied Napoleon's reforms. In Portugal, the State allowed Jews the same rights as other citizens and authorised them to open the synagogues for the first time in over 300 years. In Italy, in the Netherlands and in the German states, the Jews were able to take their place as free men for the first time in the society of their respective countries.
After the defeat of the Empire at Waterloo, the counter-revolution restored discriminatory measures in many countries. In France however, the Bourbons relegated the Legion of Honour to a minor civilian decoration and replaced it with the Royal Order of Saint Louis as the highest French distinction. Those to be decorated with it were required to prove their Catholic faith, effectively barring Protestants, Jews and Muslims who had received the Legion of Honour from enjoying an equal status under the Restored Monarchy. (The return of the Bourbons was equally accompanied in 1815 by the massacre of Muslim troops who had served Napoleon, in Marseille.)
In the Papal States, Pope Pius VII re-established the ghettos and imposed the wearing of a yellow hat (colour associated with betrayal, and thus Judas Iscariot, but also with prostitutes) and the Star of David.
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发表于 2011-8-29 21:57:34 | 显示全部楼层

这幅画中 头戴橄榄桂冠的拿破仑成了犹太人的弥赛亚


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-30 11:35:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Nick 于 2011-8-30 12:15 编辑

Though Ben Weider argued that Napoleon had to be extremely careful in defending oppressed minorities such as Jews, he clearly saw political benefit to his Empire in the long term in supporting them.He hoped to use equality as a way of gaining advantage from discriminated groups, like Jews or Protestants and Catholics.
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