
近卫军名将 - 赤胆忠心的“圣贤”德鲁奥 电影《滑铁卢》DVD-5一张钱老神作 THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
拿破仑所著小说《克利松与欧仁妮》波兰军团的创始者——东布罗夫斯基 路易斯-皮雷•蒙布伦和他的骑兵生涯
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发表于 2013-9-12 16:52:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-11-21 09:19 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-24 12:31:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-9-24 19:34 编辑


A Pyrrhic Victory 惨胜

         On the morning after the battle, Napoleon reviewed the field, which as Armand de Caulaincourt described, was ‘thickly strewn with dead’. Napoleon carefully examined every portion of this battlefield and, as Caulaincourt wrote, ‘at each point he demanded minute details of everything that had happened, dealt out praise and encouragement, and was greeted by his troops with all their wonted enthusiasm’. Ségur also accompanied the Emperor on his tour of the battlefield:
         Never did [a battlefield] present so horrible an appearance. Every thing concurred to make it so; a gloomy sky, a cold rain, a violent wind, houses burnt to ashes, a plain turned topsy-turvy, covered with ruins and rubbish, in the distance the sad and sombre verdure of the trees of the North; soldiers roaming about in all directions amidst the dead, and hunting for provisions, even in the haversacks of their dead companions; horrible wounds, for the Russian musket-balls are larger than ours; silent bivouacs, no singing or story-telling – a gloomy taciturnity!

According to Ségur, Napoleon observed the surviving officers and soldiers gathering around their eagles, their clothes torn in the fury of the combat, blackened with powder, and spotted with blood; and yet, in the midst of their rags, their misery, and disasters, they had a proud look, and at the sight of the Emperor, uttered some shouts of triumph, but they were rare …


          Approaching the Grand Redoubt, Caulaincourt was overwhelmed with emotion and could not describe
         my feelings as I passed over the ground which had been dyed by my brother’s blood. If the eulogies and the justice rendered by an entire army to the memory of a brave man could have consoled me, I ought to have had peace in my heart …


          Bausset, standing nearby, could see as ‘M. de Caulaincourt and M. de Canouville, with tears in their eyes, turned away from the spot that contained the glorious remains of their brothers.’ Meanwhile, Ségur noted that: it was impossible, no matter how careful one was, always to walk on the ground. The Emperor, I saw, was still ill, and the only animated gesture I saw him make was of irritation. One of our horses, striking one of these victims, had drawn a groan from him, albeit it was I who had caused it. Upon one of us remarking that the dying man was a Russian, the Emperor retorted, ‘There are no enemies after a victory!’ and immediately had Roustam [Napoleon’s manservant] pick the man up and give him to drink from his own flask, which the Mamluk always carried on him.527

          当时在附近的Bausset目睹M. de Caulaincourt 和 M. de Canouville离开,他们满含热泪,因为这里是他们兄弟生命的终点。Ségur同时提到:即使是铁打的人也有扛不住的时候。皇帝身体依旧不适,只是偶尔发怒才让他显得有些生机。我们的一匹马踩到了一个幸存者,引得他阵阵呻吟。我们认出那是个俄国人,可皇帝回答道“胜利之后,他已经不是敌人!”Roustam(皇帝的男仆)马上扶起了伤员,还从随侍的马木留克哪里给他弄了一些酒喝。

Dedem could barely contain himself while observing ‘the most disgusting sight’ he had ever seen. ‘Mountains of dead on both sides,’ he reminisced, ‘the wounded calling for help …’

The Württemberg Captain von Kurz, saw the wounded, both the French and Russian, lying ‘one on top of the other, swimming in pools of their own blood, moaning and cursing as they begged for death’.

符腾堡上尉von Kurz,看到双方的伤兵躺在地上,相互枕藉,周围血流如注,哀嚎遍野,很多人痛不欲生,只求速死。
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-24 13:38:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-9-24 19:39 编辑

Brandt, who spent the night ‘surrounded by the dead and dying’, witnessed how  the agonized and tormented wounded began to gather until they far outnumbered us. They could be seen everywhere like ghostly shadows moving in the half-light, creeping towards the glow of the fire. Some, horribly mutilated, used the last of their strength to do so. They would suddenly collapse and die, with their imploring eyes fixed on the flames. Others retained some stamina but still seemed more like ghosts than living men.

Brandt observed Napoleon’s examination the Grand Redoubt:         I saw him deep in conversation with one of his staff officers who then went into the redoubt with some of the Guard Chasseurs. They marked out a square and then counted the number of corpses in the square. They repeated this at a number of different points and I understand that using this mathematical technique, they got an approximate idea of the number of victims. Whilst all this was going on, Napoleon’s face was quite impassive but he did look a little pale.


The number of the dead also stunned Boulart, who found it ‘hard to move without stepping on corpses […] whole squares were traced by the dead or wounded left there’. Labaume could see ‘mounds of cadavers, and the little spaces where there were not any were covered with debris of arms, lances, helmets or cuirasses, or by cannon-balls as numerous as hailstones after a violent storm’.

Boulart也被巨大的伤亡所震惊,他发现“尸体如此之多,每迈出一步都要历尽艰辛,整个广场到处都是亡者和伤兵 ”。Labaume见到尸体堆积如山,剩下的地方铺满了武器、骑枪、头盔、胸甲的碎片和冰雹一样多的炮弹。

In some places, soldiers gathered in groups to discuss the exploits of previous days or search for missing friends. Le Roy managed to reunite with his son and as thy were speaking, surrounded by a few officers, he felt a soft pinch in the back. It was a Russian bullet and fortunately for Le Roy, it was already spent ‘after lying for over quarter of a lieue’ [approximately half a mile]. Less fortunate was Vossen’s friend (a sergeant in the 111th Line) who was killed by a stray bullet late at night, while preparing roll-calls of surviving troops.

        在一些地方,士兵们聚在一起谈论早前的战斗,或者打听好友的下落。Le Roy正和一小群军官谈到自己要去和儿子团聚,突然一阵疼痛袭来。摸黑挨枪子虽然倒霉,可万幸那铅弹的动能已被漫长的飞行耗尽(大概是半英里外射来的)。可Vossen在第111线列步兵团的军士朋友就没这么走运,当他在夜间集队点名时候,一颗流弹夺走了他的生命。

Meanwhile, Dumonceau lamented the loss of thousands of horses:         One could see some which, horribly disembowelled, nevertheless, kept standing, their heads hung low, drenching the soil with their blood, or, hobbling painfully in search of some pasture, dragged beneath them shreds of harness, sagging intestines or a fractured member, or else, lying lat on their sides, lifted their heads from time to time to gaze on their gaping wounds.528

同时,Dumonceau也为战损的数千军马哀悼:        许多战马被开膛破肚,它们仍旧站着,可头已不再高昂,身下也浸满鲜血;有的拖着破碎的马具、流出的肚肠和阵亡的骑兵,蹒跚地寻觅一块草地;有的则躺在地上,呆视着自身累累的伤痕。

Soltyk recounted a conversation between Murat and Ney after the battle:         The two heroes of the battle greeted each other amicably, and the King [Murat] said to the Marshal, ‘Yesterday was a hot one. I have never seen a battle like it for artillery fire. At Eylau the guns fired as many rounds but it was cannon-balls. Yesterday the armies were so close that most of the firing was with grapeshot.’ The Marshal responded, ‘We did not break any eggs. The enemy’s losses must be huge and his morale has undoubtedly been seriously damaged. We must pursue him and exploit our victory.’ ‘However, the Russians retired in good order,’ added the King. ‘I find that hard to believe,’ replied the Marshal. ‘How could they, after such a pounding march?’ Yet, Ney was mistaken and the Russians indeed made an orderly withdrawal.529


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-24 13:38:34 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-9-24 19:43 编辑


After his ‘sombre review’, Ségur recorded that Napoleon in vain sought to console himself with a cheering illusion, by having a second enumeration made of the few prisoners who remained, and collecting together some dismounted cannon: from seven to eight hundred prisoners, and twenty broken cannon, were all the trophies of this imperfect victory.530

The Allied wounded were gathered and tended in several hospitals organized on the battlefield, the main ones being set up at the Kolotsk Monastery and in Mozhaisk. Conditions were appalling and hundreds died over the next few weeks. Generals Teste and Compans were placed in the same room with about a dozen other wounded; the next day, everyone except for generals, was dead. Captain François spent the night in a room with twenty-seven wounded, seven of whom died that same night and many more followed them over the next two weeks. The wounded General Dessaix refused surgeons’ suggestions to amputate his hand, which eventually healed itself quite well. Yet, General Romeuf was less fortunate and, as Larrey describes it, he died of his horrendous wounds caused by a round-shot later than night.
   联军的伤兵被集中到几处战地医院(主要的医疗基地设在Kolotsk Monastery 和 Mozhaisk)看护救治。伤员的情况很糟糕,数百人在接下来几周中痛苦地死去。Teste 和 Compans二位将军与另外12人共处一室,可第二天死神就带走了他俩的全部室友。François上尉与27名伤员一同过夜,当晚就有7人不治,接下来的两周内死的更多。Dessaix将军拒绝了截肢手术,但他的手最终却得以康复。不过Romeuf就没那么好运,Larrey说,一轮齐射造成的可怕创伤当晚便要了他的命。

Conditions in hospitals quickly deteriorated and Lejeune was stunned to see ‘our troops using horseflesh as food’ in Mozhaisk two days after the battle. According to Ségur: The Russians were seen dragging themselves along to places where dead bodies were heaped together, and offered them a horrible retreat. It has been affirmed by several persons, that one of these poor fellows lived for several days in the carcase of a horse, which had been gutted by a shell, and the inside of which he gnawed. Some were seen straightening their broken leg by tying a branch of a tree tightly against it, then supporting themselves with another branch, and walking in this manner to the next village. Not one of them uttered a groan.


And yet, a more gruesome picture awaited Alexandre Bellot de Kergorre, a young commissaire des guerres at Mozhaisk, who left a vivid description of thousands of wounded lying throughout the town and dying of hunger and thirst.531
  可是,等着Alexandre Bellot de Kergorre还有更可怕的场面,这位在Mozhaisk的年轻战士给后人留下了生动的描述,数千名又饥又渴的伤兵布满镇子,很多人因此长眠。

Napoleon remained in Mozhaisk for three days, quartered in a house near the main square. His sore throat quickly turned to laryngitis and the Emperor could no longer speak or dictate his orders, which forced him to scribble down all his instructions. This brief respite also allowed him to regroup his troops after the bloodletting at Borodino and gather more ammunition and supplies. His advance guard, meantime, pursued the Russian Army.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-19 17:23:34 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2014-8-18 14:47 编辑





        当时在附近的博塞(Bausset)目睹科兰古和卡农维尔(M. de Canouville)离开,他们满含热泪,因为这里是他们兄弟生命的终点。塞居尔同时提到:即使是铁打的人也有扛不住的时候。皇帝身体依旧不适,只有发怒的表态才让他有些生机。我们的一匹马踩到了一个幸存者,引得他阵阵呻吟。我们认出那是个俄国人,可皇帝回答道:“胜利之后,他已经不是敌人!”鲁斯塔姆(Roustam,皇帝的马穆鲁克男仆)马上扶起了伤员,还从随侍的马穆鲁克那里给他弄了一些酒喝。


        符腾堡上尉冯 · 库尔茨(von Kurz),看到双方的伤兵躺在地上,相互枕藉,周围血流如注,哀嚎遍野,很多人痛不欲生,只求速死。


       勃兰特(Brandt) 看到了拿破仑对大多面堡的巡阅:我看到他(拿破仑)和一名带着近卫轻骑兵的参谋进入了多面堡,皇帝陷入了沉思。他们划出一片地方,清点附近的尸体,在另外几处也如法炮制。我知道他们在估计死难者的数量。随着工作的进行,皇帝的脸色越发冷漠,看起来真的有些憔悴。

        布拉尔(Boulart)也被巨大的伤亡所震惊,他发现“尸体如此之多,每迈出一步都要历尽艰辛,整个广场到处都是亡者和伤兵 ”。拉博姆(Labaume)见到尸体堆积如山,剩下的地方铺满了武器、骑枪、头盔、胸甲的碎片和冰雹一样多的炮弹。

        在一些地方,士兵们聚在一起谈论早前的战果,或者打听好友的下落。黎 · 罗伊(Le Roy)正与一小群军官谈到自己要去和儿子团聚,突然一阵疼痛袭来。摸黑挨了枪子虽然倒霉,可万幸那铅弹的动能被漫长射程所耗尽(大概是半英里外射来的)。可福森(Vossen)在第111战列步兵团的军士朋友就没这么走运——在夜间集队点名时候,一颗流弹夺走了他的生命。

        同时,迪蒙索(Dumonceau)也为战损的数千军马哀悼: 许多战马被开膛破肚,它们仍旧站着,可头已不再高昂,身下也浸满鲜血;有的拖着破碎的马具、流出的肚肠和阵亡的骑兵,蹒跚地寻觅一块草地;有的则躺在地上,看着自身累累的伤痕。




         可是,等着亚历山大 · 贝洛特 · 德 · 克尔戈雷(Alexandre Bellot de Kergorre)还有更可怕的场面,这位在莫扎伊斯克的年轻战士给后人留下了生动的描述,数千名又饥又渴的伤兵布满镇子,很多人因此长眠。

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发表于 2013-11-20 19:43:19 | 显示全部楼层
Kolotsk    科洛茨克
Lejeuneh  勒热内
Kergorre  克尔戈雷

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