发表于 2008-9-21 18:38:44
有人在1945 or 1946年(記不清了)到現場檢驗過那輛007
車體並沒有什麼被彈痕跡, 只有引擎蓋上有個大洞
應該是被颱風的火箭擊中引擎部位, 引爆了車體內部彈藥
因此才把砲塔掀起來, 倒扣在車體後方
這就很奇妙了, 如果真是如此, 那麼魏特曼死因之謎, 早在
50年前就已經解開了, 為何到了2003年, 日本人還認為魏特
In 1945, Mr.Serge Varin found Tiger #007. Mr.Varin was interested in this tank because its turret was teared away from the hull. Mr.Varin examined Wittmann's Tiger and noticed that it was not penetrated by any shells fired at it during the fighting. The only damage to the hull was a big hole in the rear, near the engine deck.
After further examination Mr.Varin concluded that the impact came from the air. The rocket hit Tiger's rear deck (made of 25mm thick armor), penetrated the air intakes and exploded causing the explosion in the engine compartment and fighting compartment which ignited the stored ammunition. The second explosion instantly killed the entire crew and blew off the turret into the air. According to Varin, Wittmann's Tiger was destroyed by a rocket fired from a Royal Air Force Hawker "Typhoon" MkIB - attack aircraft.
因為他實地檢驗過這輛007, 因此我接受他的說法, 魏特曼是被颱風幹掉的, 但這就很吶悶了, 這個謎團早在1945年就解開了
, 為何如日本人到現在都還說是被螢火虫幹掉的??????
http://board01.tacocity.com.tw/U ... ZwHN1c&fpage=16 |