算得太夸张了,跟步枪一样,靶场效率折算到战时也得一样大打折扣,尤其当时霰弹还是以难以把控闻名的,光散布区域如何就有不少争议,普军“军事周刊”在1822年登了一篇《论霰弹效果》(Ueber die Wirkung der Kartätschen),van Uythoven翻译如下:
"Without any doubt, the greater part of the military is of the opinion that the effect of canister is far more fearful and murderous then it really is. With the effect of canister it is the same as with many things in life, which seem fearful at first glance, but which are far from that after careful examination and exposure. If not, how would it be possible for regiments, as has been the case during the battle of Dennewitz and several other affairs, to be thrown back often three times by the heaviest canister fire, only to attack for a fourth time and take the battery by storm?If we compare the effect of canister with that of roundshot, we always find that the first one is far more uncertain and that, in seemingly comparable circumstances, the results of canister shots can differ greatly from one shot to another. And is this maybe the reason that canister is fearful today, only to have a minor effect tomorrow? By practising, experience, and good and efficient construction of his gun, the artilleryman is indeed able to become master of his roundshot. But he will never become a master of his canister shot.