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[翻译] 英国轻步兵条令中文概述

发表于 2018-7-19 01:40:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 灭火小太阳 于 2018-7-21 21:56 编辑

Light Infantry Exercise: As Ordered in His Majesty's Regulations for the Movement of the Troops. Printed for the War-Office, by T. Egerton, at the Military Library, near Whitehall, 1797.
Placed on the Napoleon Series: January 2003.(内容上与二爷发的1792(93)年的轻步兵操典内容大致相同)

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-19 01:41:22 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 灭火小太阳 于 2018-7-21 21:55 编辑

Light Infantry Exercise: As Ordered in His Majesty'sRegulations for the Movement of the Troops.
Editor's Note: This document wasoriginally published in 1797 and is shown here in its entirety, with theoriginal punctuation and grammar.
General Attentions.
Distances of files.
WHEN the Light Infantry companies are in line with their battalionsthey are to form and act in every respect as a company of the battalion, butwhen not in line they may loosen their files to six inches.
Open order.
Open order is to be two feet between each file.—The necessity ofincreasing this distance must depend on circumstances, and be regulated at themoment by the commanding officer.
Manner of extending.
The files may be extended from right, left, or centre, according tocircumstances; in executing it each front rank man must carefully take hisdistance from the man next to him, on that side from which the extensionis made: the rear rank men conform to the movement of their file leaders.
When the company is not in extended order, all firing is to be by singlemen, each firing as quick as he can, consistent with loading properly: thefiring to begin from the flank, or from the point first formed.
In firing in extended order, it is to be a standing rule, that the two menof the same file are never unloaded together, for which purpose, as soon as thefront rank man has fired he is to slip round the left of the rear rank man, whowill make a short pace forward, and put himself in the other’s place, whom heis to protect while loading.—When the first man returns his ramrod he will givehis comrade the word ready, after which, and not before, he may fire andimmediately change places as before.
Advancing and retreating.
The same method of firing to be observed when advancing or retreating,which must always be in ordinary time (especially if cannon are orderedto the front with the light companies, which may often be the case).—
To cease firing.
Particular attention must be paid to cease firing on the first word, orsignal for that purpose.
Movements in quick time.
All movements of the light companies, except when firing, advancing, orretreating, are to be in quick time.
Never to run unless ordered.
The light companies are never to run unless particularly directed, and inthat case they are only to run at that pace in which they can preserve theirorder; and it is to be a rule that the two men of the same file never separateon any account whatever.
Avoid confusion.
The utmost care to be taken to avoid confusion, which too much hurry, evenin the smallest bodies, will certainly occasion.—The intermixture of files cannever be allowed of.
File movements.
Though all movements should be made in front as much possible, yet,from the nature of those of light infantry, and the ground they are moreparticularly liable to transverse, file movements may frequently be necessary.All such to be made from one of the flanks by previously facing to it, and thefiles to loosen, so as to march perfectly at ease, but not more.
Forming to the front.
In forming, the inversion of files or of ranks is not to be attended to iftime is thereby gained. Forming to the front to be done by the filemoving briskly up to the right or left of the leading file as ordered.
Right or left.
Form to right or left.—Theleading file will halt and face as directed, as will the succeeding ones asthey come up to their proper distances.
Forward to right or left.
Form forward to right or left.—The leading file halts and faces as directed; the succeeding files lead roundthe rear, and form to the same front as the leading file has done, and at theirproper distances.
Marching to rear and forming.
When marching to the rear by files, and to form to the front.—Theleading file will halt and front, the succeeding files will go round the rearof the leading file, and form on the right or left of it as directed. Formingto the right or left, or forward to right or left isdone in the same manner as when marching to the front.
Signals, &c. for officers commanding.
All signals, words of commands, and directions, arefor the officer commanding the company or division, who gives the necessaryorders in consequence.
The necessary signals will be previously settled, and as they willbe very few and simple, the officers and non-commissioned officers are expectedto be masters of them.
Post of officers.
The officer commanding the company will be on the right, covered by aserjeant. The next on the left also covered by aserjeant. The youngest officer in the rear. In extended order the post of theofficers and serjeants is always in the rear equally divided where they mustpay particular attention that the men preserve their order, and that theylevel, fire, and load coolly and properly; they must likewise be attentive todirect them to the supposed object of attack.
In marching by files the officer commanding leads; by divisions eachofficer leads one. The supernumerary officer, if there be one, is in bothcases, with the officer commanding, ready to obey any directions he may receivefrom him.
Taking post.
When a light company or detachment is ordered to takepost on any particular spot, it is to be the business of the officercommanding it to take the best advantage of the ground, observing that he mustnever disperse his company; but if it should be necessary to make smalldetachments from it, he must still preserve a part of his company or detachmentas a reserve on which those detachments may fall back; and this is to be ageneral rule in all cases where the strength of the party is sufficient toallow of making detachments from it.
To cover in situations of defence.
The officers must also see that in situations of defencethe men cover themselves with trees, walls, large stones, or whatever maypresent itself. In firing from behind trees, large stones, &c. they are topresent to the right of the object which covers them; and in changing placeswith the other man of the file, after firing, they will step back, and to theleft, so that the rear rank man may step forward without being exposed.
Arms how carried.
The arms of light infantry in general will be carried sloped, and with thebayonets fixed. Flanking and advanced parties however, or parties in particularsituations, may carry them trailed and withoutbayonets, for the purpose of taking cooler and more deliberate aim.
Light Infantry attached torespective Regiments when in Line.
Divisions cover 2nd and 7th companies.
The light company will be posted in the rear of its respective regiment,divided in two divisions; that on the right will be in the rear of the secondcompany, that on the left in the rear of the seventh company, and they will atall times observe the distance of thirty paces.
Post of commanding officer.
The captain, or officer commanding will be with the right division.
Line breaks into column.
When the line breaks into column, if the light companies receive noparticular directions for covering either the front or flanks of the column,they will wheel as the companies of the battalion do, and conform themselves ofthe second and seventh companies, so as to at all times to be in their properplaces.
Line forms close column.
If the line forms a close column, and the light companies receive noparticular directions, they are to form by companies, and close up in the rearof the column, in the same manner as their respective battalions.
Line deploys.
When the column deploys into line, the light companies will face each, asits battalion does, file with it in the rear; and when the battalion forms inthe line, will take its proper post in divisions behind the second and seventhcompanies.
Cover front of battalions.
If the light companies are ordered to cover the line to the front, eitherby word or signal, the divisions will move to the front, from their innerflanks, round the flanks of the battalions; and when at the distance of fiftypaces, the leading flanks will wheel towards each other, so as to meet oppositethe centre of the battalion, opening their files gradually from the rear, so asto cover the whole extent of the battalion; the serjeant-coverer of each divisionattending to the files taking their proper distance, the files are to halt andfront of themselves.
Post of commanding officer.
In this position, and in all extended order, the post of the officercommanding is in the rear of the centre, and the movements are to be regulatedby the company belonging to the battalion, which regulates those of the line.
Line halted or advancing when light infantry are called in.
When the light companies are called in, the line may either be halted oradvancing. In the first case they will retire towards the line, closing totheir outer flanks by degrees, so as when they come near their battalions theymay be in two divisions ready to file round the flanks of the battalion totheir places. If the line is advancing, they will only close to their outer flanks,so as to be in two divisions by the time the line comes up to them, when theywill instantly face outward, and file to the rear.
Light Infantry Companies formedin Battalion.
Movement same as the line.
When the Light Infantry companies are assembled in battalion, theirmovements must be on the same principles as those of the line; the officers andnoncommissioned officers posted in the same manner, and, as far as possible,the same words of command should be used; it is in their rapidity alone thatthey must be distinguished, to facilitate which the files are to be loosened tothe distance of six inches, but great care is to be taken that rapidity doesnot degenerate into confusion.
Quick time.
When two or more companies are together, they are to consider themselvesas a battalion, the senior officer is to take the command, leaving theimmediate command of his own company to the next officer belonging to it.
Covering pivots, &c.
As Light Infantry seldom act in large bodies, all their movements may bein quick time; but, when in column, the same attention must be paid to thepivots covering, and the preservation of distances, as is done by the line; thedoing so will always be found the quickest way of forming, by precluding thenecessity of much after-dressing.
Regulating Company.
In marching in line to the front a regulating company must be named, bywhich the others must carefully dress, and whose movements they must follow.The officer leading this regulating company must take points on which to marchperpendicular to the front of the battalion, and must lead steadily on them,though in quick time; without these precautions, and great attention being paidto them, the march in front must soon become irregular, the files willinevitably intermix, and great confusion must be the consequence.
May occasionally run.
A battalion of light infantry may occasionally be ordered to run, for thepurpose of anticipating an enemy going to occupy any particular post; but indoing so, the utmost care is to be taken that confusion do not ensue; for whichpurpose, the velocity must never exceed that at which the divisions can keeptogether and be dressed; the distances must be preserved as much as possible.
But generally in column.
Running must generally be in column;
May in echellon.
but in case of absolute necessity to make a very quick movement to thefront, with a battalion of four or five companies or more, the best and easiestway of doing it without confusion will be in echellon, by companies,each retired six paces from the preceding one.
All columns of light infantry to be formed by sub-divisions, that is, halfcompanies.
Forming from open column.
The forming from open column to the front may frequently be done by thedivisions obliquing to the right and left of the leading division, and ifnecessary firing as they come up. Light infantry firing in divisions is to bealways by single men, as directed in General Attentions.
从开放纵队向战线的转变通常由左右倾斜于领头分队的分队完成,如有必要在此过程中也可开火。在分队中轻步兵的开火必须以单人形式操作,且需遵循general attention中的指示。
Movement by files.
Battalions of light infantry may frequently find it necessary to move byfile through woods, and over very rough countries: in all cases where it ispracticable it is to be done from the right or left of companies, and distancesmust be preserved for forming in the quickest manner possible.—Whenever onecompany forms, the rest are to do the same, even supposing they do nothear the word or signal for that purpose.
Forming in front.
If to form to the front the leading file of each company halts anddresses, the rest move up to the right or left of them to their proper places.
Forming in right or left.
If to form to the right or left, the companies first formseparately, and move up and dress with what will then be the front company, bywhich means the officer commanding will have it in his power to keep suchcompanies in reserve as he thinks proper, as also in forming to throw them tothe right or left of the front company, as circumstances may require; thecompanies which are to dress with the front company are to move up to itobliquely in line.
Advanced and flanking parties.
A battalion of light infantry marching through a wood should have partiesin front and on its flank, in proportion to the strength of the battalion. Theparties should march in front with extended file, and if attacked must takepost and defend themselves till supported or called in.
To secure a wood.
When ordered to secure a wood of no very great extent, the battalionshould go through it and take post on the opposite side,within its skirt, so as to have the plain before it:in this, as well as in all other cases, parties should be detached 30 or 40 yardson the flanks.
Firing in line.
When firing in line advancing, the march must be very slow, the line mustbe preserved, and the officers must take care to point out the supposed objectof attack, and see that the men direct their fire to it;—very particularattention is to be paid that the fire is directed to the proper object, andthat it ceases on the first word or signal for that purpose.
Co-operation with line.
When the light infantry in battalion is detached from the line, theofficer commanding must take care to understand thoroughly the nature of theintended movement, so as to be certain of cooperating with the line withexactness and precision.
To take post.
In general, the method of taking post with a battalion of light infantry,whether large or small, must depend upon the intelligence of the officer whocommands it, but he must observe the same rule as was given for a company, viz.Whatever detachments he may find necessary to make, always to keep the mostconsiderable part together as a reserve.
Commanding officer.
The success of any engagement in a wood, or strong country, depends uponthe coolness and presence of mind of the commanding officer, and the silenceand obedience of the men, fully as much as upon their bravery.
Arms how carried.
The arms of the light infantry, when in battalion, while in movement, aregenerally to be sloped, but always by order, and their bayonets are to befixed.
Light infantry in line.
If at any time a battalion of light infantry is ordered into the line, thefiles must be closed, and it must in every respect act as other battalions ofthe line.
The Signals
The SIGNALS — To Advance; To Retreat;To Halt; To cease firing; to assemble, or call in allparties, are to be always considered as fixed and determined ones, and arenever to be changed. The bugle horn of each company is to make himself perfectmaster of them.
All signals are to be repeated.
All of those signals made from the line or column are to convey theintention of the commanding officer of the line to the officer commanding thelight infantry, who will either communicate them to the several companies ordetachments by word or signal.
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发表于 2018-7-19 17:58:46 | 显示全部楼层


company of the battalion,这里说的是战列连,英军一个营一般辖十个连,轻步兵连和掷弹兵连是侧卫连,剩余一至八连是战列连,一般写作battalion company,这里意思一样


quick time是快步
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-7-20 00:25:37 | 显示全部楼层
Gustavus 发表于 2018-7-19 17:58


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