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发表于 2012-9-25 02:52:35
本帖最后由 Gustavus 于 2012-9-25 02:53 编辑
bâche f. Awning, tarpaulin.
baffetas m. A heavy cotton cloth.
bague f. Ring, loop; strap.
bague de baîonette f. Bayonet locking ring.
baguette f. Stick; drum-stick; ram-rod; cleaning rod; music director’s wand. An architectural term meaning a mold, bead, or fillet used to describe the form of uniform embroidery. A baguette was also a term for the switch used to punish French soldiers in the XVIIIth c.
baguette de fusil f. See baguette.
baîonette f. Bayonet
baîonette à douille f. Socket bayonet.
baleine f. Whale bone ribs or supports.
balle f. Ball, bullet.
balle à feu f. Bomb or grenade.
bancal m. French term for a slightly curved light cavalry sabre.
bande f. Strip; band; tape; border; belt strap.
bandeau m. See turban.
bandelette f. Strip, band.
bandereau m. Bugle-cord.
banderole f. Bannerol, pennant, streamer; bugle-string or cord; cross-belt; musket sling; cartouche belt.
bandoulière f. A belt, strap or band of leather or cloth worn over the shoulder and from which is suspended a weapon. Term current in the late XVIIth c. and early XVIIIth c.
bannière f. Banner. In feudal times, the bannière carée or square banner was the symbol of a knight commanding 25-80 lances.
baraque f. Temporary hut or lodging in a winter camp.
bariolage m. Medley, mixture.
barre f. Tape, ribbon, bar. Suspension strap for bayonet scabbard.
barre de derrière f. Rear suspension strap for a bayonet or sword scabbard.
bas m. Stocking; lowest part of anything.
bas-officers mpl. N.C.O.’s.
basane f. A tanned and supple sheepskin used for saddlery or the leather strapping of cavalry overalls or charivaris.
basané adj. Bronzed, tanned; blackened.
basque f. Skirt or trail of a garment.
basin m. Fine lightweight cotton fabric; dimity.
bassinet m. Pan of a musket lock; pan of a mortar.
Bastonais m. Cdn. A term of derision for inhabitants of the New England colonies current in New France during the XVIIth to XVIIIth centuries.
bât m. Pack, pack saddle, pack load. Hence, the English “batman” or officer’s servant.
batiste f. Batiste or cambric. A sheer and soft cloth of fine weave.
bâton m. Baton; stick, staff, pole, rod.
battant de crosse m. Lower swivel on a musket strap.
batterie f. Frizzen of a musket lock; siege battery. Term originally meant a gun position, later came to mean a unit of artillery.
batterie de tambour f. Drumbeat.
baudrier m. Shoulder-belt; XVIIIth c. shoulder sword belt; also flag belts and drum belts.
bavare f. Seam, chipped edge.
bavaroises mpl. Uniform coat lapels which were folded and buttoned back to display the coloured lining.
bavière f. See mentionnière.
bélière f. Suspension strap for scabbard attached to the sword belt.
bidon m. Oblong shot or shell; can; container; canteen, gourd or water bottle in white metal.
biseau m. Bevel, champfer, bit.
biseauté adj. Beveled, champfered, basiled.
bisonne f. Greyish cloth utilized for linings.
bleu m. The colour blue; a recruit or conscript.
bleus mpl. Supporters of the Gribeauval system of artillery in the great controversy which raged among French artillery officers in the latter decades of the monarchy. They were known as bleus from the colour of the gun carriages of the Gribeauval system.
blocage m. The “blocking” or molding of a hat.
blonde f. Blonde or tan lace.
bois m. Wood; musket stock.
bois de lance m. Lance-pole or shaft.
boisseau m. Bushel. An archaic unit of volume equivalent to 13.01 litres. A boisseau is also French army idiom for a shako.
bombardier m. An artillerist serving on ordnance (such as mortars or howitzers.) firing explosive shells.
bombe f. Bomb; rounded part of a helmet.
borne éclatante f. Exploding bomb insignia or badge.
bombe enflammée f. Flaming bomb insignia or badge - the grenadier’s insignia.
bonnet m. Bonnet, cap. Originally, a soft supple hat without support.
bonnet à flamme m. A bonnet de police of soft material with a long flamme or tail worn by dragoons until 1762.
bonnet à poil m. Fur bonnet or cap.
bonnet d'exercise m. See bonnet de police.
bonnet de courrier m. See bonnet à flamme.
bonnet de fourure m. Colpack or busby.
bonnet de police m. Fatigue-hat, garrison hat, forage cap.
bonnet à la dragonne See bonnet à flamme.
bonnet d’ours m. Bearskin cap with fur brushed upward.
bonette f. Cap; bayonet cap.
bordé m. Edge, edging; border; hem.
bordé adj. Bordered.
bordereau m. A troop or company book kept to record uniform and equipment accounts.
bordure f. Border, rim, edging, margin.
bosette f. Boss.
Bostonais m. Cdn. See Bastonais. |