以当时正在雅法治疗病员的Etienne-Louis Malus回忆为例:
引一段Philip Dwyer的话:
On the evening of 20 February, the fort capitulated after a ten-day siege. The French occupied it immediately and, just as quickly, violated the accord they had signed with the Ottoman defenders. Bonaparte had had no intention of keeping his word. Contrary to the terms of the armistice, the men who surrendered were disarmed, and about 900 were more or less persuaded to join the French forces rather than perish in the desert on their way home (they all deserted at the first opportunity). The Mamelukes were sent back to Egypt under escort. The rest went on to Syria where, given that the agreement with the French had been broken, they joined the Ottoman forces.
换而言之,拿破仑本人在2月20日El-Arish要塞投降后已经违反他承诺的投降条件,因此拿战俘被强迫解除武装加入法军后又逃回本军的做法作为屠杀借口也是完全没有根据的(用Nathan Schur的话,那就是hollow ring)
Philip Dwyer. Napoleon: The Path to Power
Nathan Schur. Napoleon in the Holy Land
当然,这里只是说明雅法屠城的确是残忍的暴行,拿破仑也并未在杀俘上有过太多犹豫(3月7日投降,8-10日处决完毕),并不是说法军在当时各国军队中显得多么突出,如若奥斯曼军队攻克某座法国城市,其杀戮大概会比这还要凶残 |