原帖由 iron duke 于 2006-7-4 02:47 发表
One of the more colourful legends of Ney that have grown up after the Marshal's untimely demise by firing squad was that Ney had managed to escape to the United States. Proponents of this theory argue that Ney had masonic ties, including to the Duke of Wellington, who helped him fake his execution and flee abroad. The basis for these rumors was the presence in the United States of a Peter Stuart Ney, who, when drunk, wowed his friends and students with tales of military glory, and claimed to be – or at least did not deny being – the executed Napoleonic Marshal . While this is almost certainly untrue, Peter Stuart Ney certainly did live for a number of years teaching school in North and South Carolina, including at Davidson College, where he designed the school seal still used today. Ney died in 1846, after uttering the bizarre last words, "Bessières is dead; the Old Guard is dead; now, please, let me die."
不过似乎毫无根据。当时老一辈的元帅中,只有达武这样正直的人同情内伊,敢于出来为他辩护,至于马尔蒙这样的,则是支持处死他的。 |