发表于 2007-12-5 23:51:26
The Austrian 'bataillonsmasse' was also formed on a single company front, and six companies deep.'Divisionsmasse' could be formed on either a two company front and three comapnies deep, or a three company front with two companies deep. This was Archduke Charles favorite formation, and was according to Gunther Rothenberg deliberately designed to counter the French columns. Both formations were introduced in the 1807 regulations as part of the Archduke's army reforms. However, according to Rothenberg most regimental commanders disliked the divisionsmasse, and only used it when forced by Charles. Bataillonsmasse, on the other hand, was very popular and widely used. Both formations could deploy either 'open' or 'closed', the latter against cavalry. So technically the Austrians can deploy in a single company front column after 1807, and can use the two or three company front column only between 1807 and 1809. In rules terms, I would treat the divisionsmasse on the three company front as a column in all respects, except that it moves at the line movement rate. Rothenberg's book (NAPOLEON AND THE ARCHDUKE CHARLES)has some good diagrams of all three formations. Incidently, because the grenadier battalions wer composed of two-company 'divisions' from two or three different regiments, they appear to have made much more use of the divisionsmasse (2 wide by three deep).
后来英普也有类似的阵形。如<皇帝的刺刀>里这幅图 |
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