Kutuzov, who was expecting a corps-sized force of reinforcements on his right, planned to cross the Kolocha north of Borodino, attack the French left, and roll it up. This helped explain why the more powerful 1st Army under Barclay was placed in already strong positions on the right, which were virtually unassailable by the French. The 2nd Army, under Bagration, was expected to hold on the left; however the fall of Shevardino unanchored the Russian left flank. Despite the repeated pleas of his generals to redeploy their forces, Kutuzov did nothing to change these initial dispositions. Thus, when the action began and became a defensive rather than an offensive battle for the Russians, their heavy preponderance in artillery was wasted on a right wing that would never be attacked, while the French artillery did much to help win the battle
看来本意是要进行一个典型的斜线作战,用右翼渡河攻击法军左翼,然后向南面突击。然而由于Shervadino堡的陷落,俄军左翼受到严重威胁,故不得不放弃攻势作战。库图佐夫的原计划部署中,把主力炮群放于右翼,原本打算渡河突击用,然而情况有变,库图佐夫也并未调整部署,主力炮群对俄军左翼的遮掩不足。 |