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拿破仑所著小说《克利松与欧仁妮》波兰军团的创始者——东布罗夫斯基 路易斯-皮雷•蒙布伦和他的骑兵生涯
楼主: Elen.Pitt

[整理] William Pitt首相任期内的收支明细账(含附注)

发表于 2010-10-30 01:28:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mouqing 于 2010-10-30 01:29 编辑





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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-30 01:59:21 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Elen.Pitt 于 2010-10-30 03:14 编辑


In 1822, he began to suffer from a form of paranoia or a nervous breakdown, possibly as a result of an attack of gout combined with the stress of public criticism.He was also severely overworked with both his responsibilities in leading the government in the House and the never-ending diplomacy required to manage conflicts among the other major powers. At the time, he said "My mind, is, as it were, gone." Londonderry returned to his country seat at Loring Hall in Water Lane, North Cray, Kent on the advice of his doctor. On 9 August 1822 he had an audience with King George IV in which he appeared distracted and mentally disturbed. Among other surprising remarks he revealed to the King that he thought he was being blackmailed for homosexuality.

On 12 August, although his wife had succeeded in removing razors from his possession and even though his doctor was in attendance, Castlereagh managed to find a sharp letter opener with which he committed suicide by cutting his own throat.



In addition to the events surrounding the suicide itself, towards the end of his life there are increasing reports, both contemporaneous and in later memoirs, of exceptionally powerful rages and sudden bouts of uncharacteristic forgetfulness. At the 9 August meeting with the King, Castlereagh is reported to have been distracted, to have told the King he was being mysteriously watched by a servant, and to have said, "I am accused of the same crime as the Bishop of Clogher." Percy Jocelyn, who had been the Bishop of Clogher until the previous month, was prosecuted for homosexuality. (See H. Montgomery Hyde, Trials of Oscar Wilde, Courier Dover Publications, ISBN 0-486-20216-X.) The King surmised that Castlereagh believed he was being blackmailed for the same reason. It remains unclear whether there was some sort of extortion attempt, and if so, whether such attempt represented a real threat of exposure, or whether the purported blackmail was a symptom of paranoia he otherwise appeared to be displaying at the time. The King is said to have advised Castlereagh to consult a physician and, disturbed by the condition of his Foreign Secretary, shared his concerns with Castlereagh's friend, the Duke of Wellington. Wellington not only advised Castlereagh that he was suffering from delusions but sent a note to Castlereagh's doctor urging him to see his patient at the first opportunity. Wellington's note was submitted as evidence at the inquest. (See Leigh, Castlereagh, which draws extensively from memoirs of people who claimed to have observed Castlereagh's uncharacteristic behaviour, such as Dorothea, Countess de Lieven. The appendices include contemporary letters from observers and excerpts from the journal of Harriet Arbuthnot, who was a close friend of both Castlereagh and Wellington.)


In a retrospective, and therefore necessarily speculative diagnosis, a thoughtful recent study has linked various instances of (at the time) little explained illness to syphilis, possibly contracted at Cambridge: here Stewart’s undergraduate studies were interrupted by a mysterious illness first apparent during the closing months of 1787, and which kept him away from Cambridge through the summer of 1788. Later, there were unexplained illnesses in 1801 and 1807, the first described by a contemporary as "brain fever" which would be consistent with syphilitic meningitis. (See Giles Hunt, The Duel: Castlereagh, Canning and Deadly Cabinet Rivalry (2008).)

大概的意思就是讲,Castlereagh犯过很多次病,在剑桥时代就开始了,1787年的最后几个月,他的大学学业被一种奇怪的病症打断,当时他离开了学校,1788年整个夏天他都处于离校状态。1801年和1807年,又有难以解释的病症发作,前面那次被当时的人描述成是脑膜炎,然后Giles Hunt在他的书The Duel: Castlereagh, Canning and Deadly Cabinet Rivalry (2008)那本书里说这种症状跟梅毒性脑膜炎一致。


约有10%左右未经治疗的病人可出现神经性梅毒,患者可有不同的临床症状。无症状性神经梅毒是指缺乏临床表现,但脑脊液检查阳性的梅毒患者。梅毒性脑膜炎和其他神经梅毒除脑膜刺激征外,还可表现淡漠、易激惹和情绪不稳及人格改变、记忆和注意障碍等。在初次感染后4~7 年内,可发生典型的亚急性脑膜血管性梅毒,其临床表现比脑膜梅毒更严重,常伴有妄想、易激惹、人格改变和认知功能缺损等精神症状,随病情进一步恶化,可发展为痴呆。脊髓痨通常发生在初次感染梅毒后20~25 年内,最具特征性的神经系统症状是脊髓后部脱髓鞘和脊髓背侧根部的萎缩,可伴眼科体征瞳孔对光反射消失而调节反射存在,即阿罗瞳孔及性功能障碍、尿失禁、剧痛、全身闪电样疼痛和躯干运动失调等。

关于同性恋勒索事件,1822年8月9日,他在会见国王时,告诉国王他被一个仆人暗地里监视,并且说,“我被指控了Clogher主教的罪行。”这个主教在上个月被指控为同性恋。国王推测Castlereagh认为自己出于同样的原由被人勒索,但是是否真存在某些勒索企图还不清楚,以及如果有,这些企图是否曾被作为暴光的威胁,或者这种传说中的勒索仅仅是他在那时候表现出来的妄想症的症状?国王据说建议他去咨询医生,他被Castlereagh的情况搞得很紊乱,然后那时候威灵顿公爵也很关注这件事(他是Castlereagh的朋友),威公爵不仅跟Castlereagh说他想的那些都是错觉,还送了信给C的医生,催促他赶紧来瞧他的病人。就多种证据来看,还是因病导致神经错乱的概率比较高。而这种病是否跟既往病史有联系,甚至是Giles Hunt所说的那种梅毒性脑膜炎,就不得而知了。
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发表于 2010-10-30 02:47:50 | 显示全部楼层


真是父母不谨儿女遭殃= =

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-30 03:42:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Elen.Pitt 于 2010-10-30 19:20 编辑

自杀罪的专有名词叫felo de se,意为对己犯罪,在早期的英国习惯法里,一个犯自杀罪的成年人被称为felon,这种罪行不但要被处以没收财产的惩罚,还要受到不名誉的埋葬方式,除了木桩钉入心脏,埋在十字路口的羞辱之外,葬礼还只允许在夜间举行,不能有哀悼者和圣职者出席,葬址也不得为人所知(跟异端不得立墓碑的做法相似)。但是儿童和精神失常者自杀不被视为felo de se,也无须接受尸检。不过这种残酷的处罚在18世纪很少被应用,尤其是在富有的受害人案例上。审讯通常倾向于把自杀当作受害人精神失常导致的结果。

直到1824年以前,英国仍然实行将自杀者尸体钉埋在十字路口的法律。1824年的国会立法,才转变为自杀者只能在夜间安葬。1870年废除了自杀者财产由国王没收的没收物法令(Forfeiture Act )。1882年又取消了自杀者夜间安葬的规定。可是英国教会继续禁止为自杀者举行宗教葬礼,自杀行为依旧是犯罪行为。1961年英国通过了专门的《自杀法》,才正式废除自杀罪名。

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发表于 2010-10-30 09:26:47 | 显示全部楼层
都是夜猫子= =

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发表于 2010-10-30 14:50:02 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-10-30 15:34:06 | 显示全部楼层
回复 19# mouqing

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发表于 2010-10-30 19:23:35 | 显示全部楼层
Elen.Pitt 发表于 2010-10-30 00:20

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发表于 2010-10-30 22:49:54 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-10-30 22:50:53 | 显示全部楼层
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