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La Bataille de la Moscowa第三版是基于GDW公司第一版、第二版重新更新制作而成,于2011年由Clash of Arms公司出版。该作品的设计者和开发者均为多年拿战迷,引用的参考书目值得一看。
Primary Sourcc Material Britten-Austin, Paul. 1812 The March on Moscow,London:Greenhill Books, 1993. Placed under primary sourcematerial because it is primarily a collection of eyewitness accounts.
Casse, Albert du. Memoireset correspondence politique et militaire du prince Eugdne. Paris: Michel L6vy fibres, 1858. Caulaincourt, Arrnand dc,With Napoleon in Russia: TheMemoirs of General de Caulaincourt, Duke of Vicenza, New York: Morrow and Company, 1935. Clauzewitz, Carl von, TheCampaign of 1812 inRussia, New York: De Capo Press, 1995. Davidov, Denis, In the Service of the Tsar AgainstNapoleon, London:Greenhill, 1999. Faber duFaur, Christian W. von.With Napolion in Russia: The Illustrated Memoirs ofMajor Faber du Faur, 1812. Translated by Jonathan North. London: Greenhill Books, 2001. Labaume, Eugene. Relation circonstanciee dela campagne de Russie, en 1812. Paris: Panckoucke, 1815. Vossler, Heinrich. With Napoldon in Russia 1812. New York: Folio Society, 1969. Walter,Jakob. The Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier. London: Penguin, 1991. Yermalov, Alexey.The Czar's General. Welwyn Garden City, UK: Ravenhall Books, 2005.
The dates of the following reports are for theJulian calendar, which was still in use by the Russians at the time. In theJulian calendar the battle took place from August 24 to August 26.
Report of General Korff toGeneral Barclay on September 9,1812. Report of General Ermalov to GeneralBarclay on September 26,1812. Report of General Sievers to General Kutuzov onSeptember 26,1812. Report of General Barclay to General Kutuzov on September26,1812. Report of General Platov to General Kutuzov August, 26,1812. Report ofGeneral Raevsky to General Barclay September 3,1812. Report of General Uvarovto General Barclay September 3,1812. Report of General Borozdin to GeneralBarclay September 7,1812. September 1812 - OfficialReport of the Chief of Artillery of 2 Western Army, Generalmajor of ArtilleryLowenstern to General Kutuzov Regarding the Actions of Artillery Units in theBattles on August, 24 and 26. September 1812 - Official Report of theCommander of 2nd Infantry Corps General-Leutnant Baggavout toGeneral Barclay Regarding the Actions of the Armies at the Battleof Borodino.
Secondary Source Material Buturlin, Dmitrii. Histoire militaire de lacampagne en Russie 1812, Paris: Anselin et Pochard, 1824. Cate, Curtis.War of the Two Emperors: The Dual Between Napoleon and Alexander 1812. New York: Random House,1985. Probably the best overall treatment in English of the politicssurrounding the launch of the Russian campaign.
Chambray, Georges. Histoirede Vexpedition de Russie. Paris: Pillet alne,1823. Chandler, David ed. Napoleon's Marshals. New York: Macmillan,1987. Dodge, Theordore Ayrault,Napoleon's Invasion of Russia,Frontline Books, London,2008. Probably the best primarily military treatmentof the Russian campaign available in English.
Duffy, Christopher. Borodino and theWar of 1812. London: Seeley, 1972. Holzhausen, Paul. DieDeutschen in Russland 1812 Leben und Leiden auf der Moskauer. Berlin: Heerfahrt, 1912. Hourtoulle, F.G.Borodino, The Moskova: the battle for the Redoubts. Paris: Histoire & Collections, 2000. Kurkiel, M. "Les Polonais a Moskova." Revue des EtudesNapoleoniennes Dix-Huiteme Annee 1-4 1929:10-31, 74-93. Mikaberidze,Alexander. The Battle of Borodino:Napoleon Against Kutuzov. Barnsley, UK: Pen andSword, 2007. The most recent, up to date and comprehensive treatment of thebattle of Borodino itself.
Nafziger, George. ImperialBayonets - Tactics of the Napoleonic Battery,Battalion and Brigade as Found in Contemporary Regulations. London: Greenhill Books,1995. Nafziger, George.Napoleon's invasion of Russia.Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1988. Nosworthy, Brent. WithMusket, Cannon & Sword BattleTactics of Napoleon and his Enemies. New York: Sarpedon, 1996. Okunev, NikolaiAleksandrovlch. Considerations sur les grandes operations de la compagne de1812, en Russie. Brussels: JB Petit, 1842. Parkinson, Roger. The Foxof the North - The Life of Kutuzov - General of War & Peace. New York: David McKayCompany, 1976. This is a good treatment ofKutuzov's early lifeand career, but for his later years Parkinson relies too much on unreliable Soviet sources.
Perrot, A., Amoudru CI.Histoire de I'Ex-Garde Depuis Sa Formation Jusqu'a Son Licenciement. Paris: Delaunay, 1821.Riehn, Richard K. 1812: Napoleon's Russian Campaign. New York: Wiley, 1991. Saint-Hilaire, Emile Marco.Histoire, Anecdotique, Politique et Militaire la Garde Imperiale. Brussels: Meline, 1846. Smith, Digby. Borodino (Great Battles). Gloucestershire: WindrushPress, Ltd., 1999. Tarle, Eugene. Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812. London:Oxford University Press, 1942. For theSoviet view.
Troyat, Henri. Alexander of Russia- Napoleon's Conquerer. New York: Dutton, 1982. Troyat provides excellent insight into Alexander's life and what drove him during the Russian campaign. Alexander Iwas a man of many Hmjtndictions.
HRshchagin, VasiliT Vasil'evich. Napolion Ieren Russia. Paris: H. Floury, 1897. ^gamoyski, Adam. Moscow 1812: Napoleon'sFatal March. London:Harper 2004. Probablv the best single volume treatment of the Russiancampaign available in English.
Uniform and Order of Battle References Broughton. Tony. "French CavalryRegiments and the Colonels Who Led them 1792-1815." The Napol6on Series.2000. 2006. <http://Napoleon-series.org> Spoughton. Tony. "French InfantryRegiments and the Colonels Who Led them 1792-1815." The Napoldon Series.2000. 2006. <http://Napoleon-series.org> Jfroughton. Tony. "French LightInfantry Regiments and the Colonels Who Led them 1792-1815." The Napol6onSeries. 2000. 2006. <http://Napoleon-scries.orE>. groughton, Tony. "Regimentsd'Infanterie Etrangers and the Colonels who led them during the period1804-1815: Regiments Croates." The Napoleon Series. 2000.2006. <http://Napoleon-series.org>. g^roughton. Tony. "Regimentsd'Infanterie Etrangers and the Colonels who led them during the period1804-1815: The Spanish and Portuguese Regiments." The Napoleon Series. 2000. 2006. <http://Napoleon-series.org>. IBroughton. Tony. "Regimentsd'Infanterie Etrangers and the Colonels who led them during the period1804-1815: The Polish Regiments." The Napoleon Series. 2000. 2006. <http://Napoleon-series.org>. Bukhari. Emir. Napoleon's Line Chasseurs. London: Osprey, 1988. -Bumham, Robert. "Polish Infantryand Artillery" The Napoleon Series. Unknown. 2006. <http://Napoleon-series.org>. Bmardie. Vladimir. Napoleon's Balkan Troops. London:Osprey, 2004. Dempsey, Guy C. Napoleon'sMercenaries Foreign Units in the French Army under the Consulate and Empire1799-1814. London: Greenhill, 2002. Detaille, Edouard. L'Amxee Franqaisean Illustrated History of the French Army, 1790-1885. New York: Waxtel & HasenaUer, 1992. Elting, John. Napoleonic Uniforms Vol. Ill& IV. Rosemont: Emperor's Press, 2000. Haythornthwaite, Philip. Napoleon's LightInfantry. London:Osprey, 1999. Haythornthwaite, Philip. Napoleon's LineInfantry. London:Osprey, 1999. Haythornthwaite, Philip.The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars, 1799-1814. London: Osprey, 1999. Haythomthwaite, Philip. Tlte Russian Army ofthe Napoleonic Wars, Cavalry. London:Osprey, 1999. Lievyns. A. Fastes de lalegion-d'honneur: biographie de tons les decores accompagnee de I'histoirelegislative et reglementaire de I'ordre. Paris: au bureau de 1'Administration, 1845. Mikaberidze. Alexander. "Chefs andCommanders of the Regular Russian Army: 1796-1815." The Napol6on Series.March 2003. 2006., <http://Napoleon-series.org>. Mikaberidze, Alexander. "RussianArtillery on the Eve of the Battle of Borodino: 7 September 1812." The NapolSon Series.August 2002. 2006. <http://Napoleon-series.org>. Mikaberidze, Alexander.The Russian Officer Corps in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1792-1815.New York: Savas Beatie, 2005. Nafeiger, George.Tlte French Army Royal, Republican, & Imperial 1792-1815, 5 Volumes. Pisgah, OH: Nafeiger Collection, 1997. Nafeiger, George.The Poles and Saxons during the Napoleonic Wars. Chicago: Emperor's Press, 1991. Nafeiger, George. The Armies of the Kingdom of Bavaria & the Grand DuchyofWurzburg, 1792-1815. Chicago:Emperor's Press, 1993. Pivka, Ottovon.Naploen'sItalian and Neapolitan Troops. London:Osprey, 1979. Pivka, Otto von. Naploleon'sGerman Allies (4): Bavaria.London: Osprey*1987. Six, Georges. Dictionnaire Biographique desGeneraux & Amiraux de la Revolution et de I'Empire (1792-1814). Paris: Saffroy, 1934. Six, Georges. Les generaux de laRevolution et de I'Empire. Paris: Giovanangeli, 2002. Smirnov, A. ArakcheevskayaArtilleria Russian Field Artillery Systems in 1805. Moscow: Reitar PUb., 1998. Smithj Digby. Armies of 1812: the Grand Armee and the armies of Austria, Prussia,Russia and Turkey.Staplehurst: Spellmount, 2002. Smith, Digby. Napoleon's Regiments: Battle Histories of the Regiments of theFrench Army, 1792-1815. London: Greenhill Books, 2000. Smith, Digby. The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book. London: Greenhill, 1998. VasieUev, Alexsey. Yelisey, Audrey. "PyccKnecoeflHHeHHLie apwun npw EopoflHHO 24-26 aBrycra (5-7 ceHTfl6pa) 1812 r. - Russian Combined Armies at BorodinoAugust 24-26 (September 5-7), 1812." Genstab.ru. December 2002.2006. <http://genstab.ru>. Viskovatov, A. V., Conrad, Mark trans. Historical Descriptionof Arms and Clothing of the Russian Army. St.Petersberg: MilitaryTypography Office, 1853.