In accord with the proposals of the Austrian court, the Russian troops proceeded by forced marches—four post miles (about 15 miles) per day. In addition, the Austrians provided enough carts to carry half of the infantry another four post miles at a time. In this way, the Russian infantry was able to move between twenty-eight and thirty-eight miles per day.
Kagan, The End of the Old Order, p. 438
以奥军第29步兵团(林德瑙步兵团)6营为例,他们11月14日从Floridsdorf出发,一半步行、一半乘车,交替行进,15日下午1点就抵达了44公里开外的Wilfersdorf。(见该团团史Geschichte des k.und k.Infanterieregiments Nr. 29第243-246页)
这里的马车,原文就是Vorspannswagen |