发表于 2018-9-4 19:36:40
本帖最后由 Gustavus 于 2018-9-4 21:08 编辑
普军死伤军官11人、士兵402人,俄军损失不明,但应该不会超过普军——俄军步兵只有贝格所部参战,而贝格自传仅仅提到他的猎兵死伤五十人(Leben von Gregor von Berg第295页)。
波格丹诺维奇则说普俄一共死伤9名军官和600名士兵,法军被俘军官20人、士兵1000人,死伤也惨重(История войны 1813 года за независимость Германии第一卷103页)。
顺便一提,战后欧仁跑回马格德堡,法军也立刻毁了易北河上的桥梁,至此丧失了反攻可能性News arrived on the 6th that again altered the situation. Blücher learned that Wittgenstein had successfully attacked Eugene between Möckern and Gommern during the course of the 5th, prompting the viceroy to retreat into Magdeburg on the 6th. During their retreat, the French destroyed the bridges on the roads leading to Berlin, thus reducing the likelihood of Eugene making a serious attempt against the Prussian capital from this direction.62 To his credit, Eugene's presence at Magdeburg gained time for Napoleon to mobilize the Army of the Main. Although Eugene's “offensive” actually amounted to little more than a large sortie from Magdeburg to secure an extended zone for his troops to forage, its failure provided much fodder for Allied propaganda.
62 Clausewitz, Hinterlassene Werke, VII:267–68. See also Leggiere, Napoleon and Berlin, 49; Holleben and Caemmerer, Frühjahrsfeldzuges 1813, 284–301.
Napoleon and the Struggle for Germany. The Franco-Prussian War of 1813. Vol. 1 The War of Liberation Spring 1813第152-153页