哥萨克骑兵约占俄国骑兵总数的40%,没有国标装备,有刀,长矛,标枪等,靠游击单打独斗很强,但是集团乌拉冲 ...
小苏尔特 发表于 2010-12-15 18:49
At Luckenwalde, August 19th, 1813, a French Cuirassier regiment advancing at the trot in column of squadrons, was attacked by Cossacks, the flankers that it had thrown out being forced back. The French advanced against the centre of the Russians. The latter's thin line at once dispersed, all the Cossacks throwing themselves against the flanks and rear of the French. The French column halted when it no longer had an enemy in its front. Meantime, the Cossacks thrust or fired into the flank files and rear of the French Cuirassiers. After a while, the French column was in such confusion that orderly movement was out of the question. The Cossacks, though numerically inferior and unable to disperse the French column by charging it in close order, were elated because they felt that they were better horsemen than the French, and continued with great glee to fire their rifles and thrust their lances into the French ranks. The flank files and rear line of the French finally turned to the flank and grasped their carbines. The Cuirassiers were not relieved from their unhappy predicament until fresh cavalry arrived.
正规作战能力不少时候哥萨克也发挥不错,在艾劳战役中,Edouard Milhaud将军的龙骑兵师两次被哥萨克为主的俄军骑兵重创,直接导致这个师次年三月被解散
借用下若米尼的话:我把法国骑兵称作优秀的.是指它那非凡的勇敢精神而不是说它已经尽善尽美了,因为无论是骑马术,组织状况或对马匹的照料等方面.法国骑兵那是无法同俄国骑兵或德国骑兵相提并论的。 |