本帖最后由 装甲掷弹熊 于 2011-1-31 00:40 编辑
话说我还以为土耳其的骑兵还可以呢。。。没想到也是渣。。。土耳其好像被称为欧洲病夫吧。。。法国人说有句 ...
jesuisfabrice 发表于 2011-1-31 00:26
sick man of Europe
As a result, an empire founded by horse-archers, who played an important role in the establishment of light cavalry traditions in Europe and the Middle East, had no effective cavalry corps except for two or three excellent cavalry regiments (which were generally quartered in and around Istanbul). And sadly, for horsemen, the Ottoman military continued to depend on tribal levies or volunteers of dubious military value who were liabilities rather than assets most of the time.
——A military history of the Ottomans
不过渣不渣也是相对而言,土耳其骑兵打正规战不大行(为了弥补战力不足甚至征募了一些基督徒,比如哥萨克,结果跟俄国打起来逃亡成堆),深入敌军后方搞破坏切断之类的Basibozuk轻骑兵还是相当出色的 |