本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-11-21 15:12 编辑
Martinien’s study,despite its shortcomings, remains an invaluable source for officer losses. Itshows that the 30th Line, which stormed the Grand Redoubt, suffered twenty-oneofficers killed and thirty wounded, while the 17th Line lost twenty-six killedand twenty-eight wounded. The 106th Line, which rashly charged the Russianpositions near Borodino, lost eighteen officers killed and thirty-two wounded.Among the units fighting at the flèches, the 57th Line lostfourteen officers killed and twenty-six wounded, while the 61st Line had sixkilled and thirteen wounded, the 48th – nine killed and twenty-two wounded, andthe 72nd – fifteen killed and fourteen wounded. Light infantry fared no betterwith twenty-seven officers killed and wounded in the 13th Light and forty men(ten killed) lost in the 15th Light; the latter suffered twenty-two morecasualties in the rearguard actions on 9–10 September. In the cavalry, thechasseur regiments sustained the highest losses, with twenty-one killed,ninety-one wounded, followed by the cuirassiers (seventy-nine men, includingtwelve killed) and hussars (forty-five men). Among the individual regiments,the 12th Chasseurs (seventeen men), 8th Cuirassiers (sixteen men), 25thChasseurs (fifteen men), 7th Dragoons (fourteen men), and the 9th Chevau-légerlost more officers that others units.
Duringthe battle, the Allied army lost eight generals, among them two generals ofdivision (Caulaincourt and Montbrun) and six generals of brigade (Compère,Huard, Damas Lanabère, Marion and Plauzonne). Four more generals were mortallywounded and died over the next several weeks: Romeuf, Chief of Staff of the IIICorps, died after the battle; Lepel, who was in charge of the Westphaliancuirassiers, ended his life at Mozhaisk on 21 September; he was followed byTharreau, who commanded the 23rd Division and died on 26 September. TheWürttemberg Major General von Breuning, serving with the 14th Light CavalryBrigade of the III Corps, passed away on 30 October. Among the wounded werethirty-nine generals, including Marshal Davout, Generals Grouchy, Nansouty,Latour-Maubourg, Friant, Rapp, Compans, Dessaix, and others. One general(Bonnamy) was captured by the Russians. In total, as Zemtsov noted,the officer losses (1,928 officers and forty-nine generals) on 5–7 Septemberconstitute 20 per cent of all officer losses (158 generals and 9,380 officers)the Grand Army sustained between June 1812 and February 1813.
战斗期间,联军失去了8位将军,两名师级军官(科兰古和蒙布伦),六名旅级军官:孔佩尔(Compère),瓦尔(Huard), 达马斯·Damas Lanabère,马里恩(Marion)和 Plauzonne。四名将军受重伤在之后数周内死去:第3军参谋长罗默夫(Romeuf),战后死去; 威斯法阶胸甲骑兵(Westphalian)的指挥莱佩尔(Lepel)在9月21日逝于莫扎伊斯克;第23师指挥官塔罗(Tharreau)将军步其后尘,于9月26日与世长辞;第3军第14轻骑兵旅的符腾堡少将冯·布罗伊宁(von Breuning)在10月30日撒手人寰。此外另有39名将军负伤,包括达武元帅、格鲁希、南苏蒂、拉图尔·毛伯格(Latour-Maubourg)、弗里昂(Friant)、拉普(Rapp)、孔潘(Compans)、 德赛(Dessaix)等人。倒霉的博纳米(Bonnamy)将军被俄军俘获。最后,据泽姆佐夫(Zemtsov)的说法,大军团于1812年9月5-7日损失的军官(1928名军官和49位将军)占1812年6月至1813年2月这期间损失总数(9380名军官,158位将军)的20%。
TheRussian Army also suffered heavy casualties in its officer corps. In total, 211officers were killed and 1,184 wounded.544 By the end of thebattle, thirteen regiments were commanded by junior officers, including threeled by lieutenants. In twenty-seven units the commanding officer was replacedonce, in thirteen regiments – twice, and in six regiments – three times! Thus,in the Yekaterinoslavskii Cuirassier Regiment, Colonel Volkovwas wounded and replaced by Lieutenant Colonel Uvarov III, who was soonreplaced by Lieutenant Khomyakov II; after the latter was injured, the regimentwas led by Lieutenant Chulkov III. Among eighty-nine Russian generals, five(Kantakuzen, Krasnov, Kutaisov, Palitsyn and Tuchkov IV) were killed and fourreceived mortal wounds (among them Bagration and Tuchkov I). Twenty-threegenerals were wounded, including Lieutenant Generals Golitsyn I, Gorchakov II,Konovnitsyn, and Osterman-Tolstoy, Major Generals Bakhmetyev I, Bakhmetyev II,Ivelich, Kretov, Karl von Mecklenburg, Neverovsky, Rossi, Vorontsov, Yermolov,and others. One general (Likhachev) was captured.
俄军军官团同样损失惨重。总计有211名军官战死,1184人负伤。在战斗末期,有13个团只能由下级军官指挥,当中三个团领头的竟然是中尉。有27个团的主官换了一遍,13个团两遍,有6个团甚至换了三茬!叶卡捷琳诺斯拉夫胸甲骑兵团的 沃尔科夫(Volkov)上校受伤后,乌瓦罗夫(Uvarov III,同名者)中校接替他指挥,可是一会就因伤将指挥权交给霍米亚科夫(Khomyakov II,同名者)中尉;在战斗结束时,中尉实际负责领导全团是丘尔科夫(Chulkov III,同名者)中尉。在参战的89位将军里,坎塔库津(Kantakuzen)、克拉斯诺夫(Krasnov)、库泰索夫(Kutaisov)、帕利岑(Palitsyn)和 图奇科夫(Tuchkov IV)战死,另有四人受了致命伤,中有巴格拉季昂和图奇科夫(Tuchkov I)。23位将军挂彩,包括中将戈利岑(Golitsyn I)、戈尔恰科夫(Gorchakov II)、 科诺夫尼岑(Konovnitsyn)和 奥斯特曼·托尔斯泰(Osterman-Tolstoy),少将巴赫梅季耶夫(Bakhmetyev I)、巴赫梅季耶夫(Bakhmetyev II)、伊韦利奇(Ivelich)、克列托夫(Kretov),卡尔·冯·梅克伦伯格(Karl von Mecklenburg)、涅韦罗夫斯基(Neverovsky)、 罗兹(Rossi)、沃龙佐夫(Vorontsov)、 叶尔莫洛夫(Yermolov)等。此外,利哈乔夫(Likhachev)将军被俘。 |