
近卫军名将 - 赤胆忠心的“圣贤”德鲁奥 电影《滑铁卢》DVD-5一张钱老神作 THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
拿破仑所著小说《克利松与欧仁妮》波兰军团的创始者——东布罗夫斯基 路易斯-皮雷•蒙布伦和他的骑兵生涯
楼主: austerlitz


发表于 2007-3-21 19:54:01 | 显示全部楼层
波兰轻骑4师(3,15,16,2,7,11枪骑兵团)对5个团俄国正规骑兵(Ahtirka Hussars, the Kiev and New Russia Dragoons, the Lithuania Uhlans and the 5th Jagers),8个团哥萨克骑兵及2个炮连。(两军共6团乌兰,8团哥萨克,这得有多少长矛啊)
In 1812 at Mir the Cossacks scored victory over Polish cavalry. Platov with eight Cossack regiments and two Don batteries deployed in the woods south of Mir. One Cossack regiment (Sisoiev-III's) was posted on the southern edge of the village. In front of Mir stood Platov's advance posts. One brigade of the French [Polish] 4th Light Cavalry Division advanced on Mir with the 3rd Uhlans leading the way. Behind the 3rd were the 15th and 16th Uhlan Regiment. The 3rd Uhlans threw back Platov's advance posts and traversed the village at a gallop. The 3rd Uhlans attacked Sisoiev-III's Cossack Regiment but Platov's counterattacked with the bulk of his force. The Cossacks had struck Poles' front, flanks and rear nearly annihilating the 3rd Uhlans. General Turno brought up the 15th and 16th Uhlans and held Platov for a while before being thrown back.
Nafziger writes: "Turno was the reinforced by the arrival of ... 2nd, 7th and 11th Uhlans. At the same time, Platov was reinforced by the arrival of GM Vasilchikov with the Ahtirka Hussars, the Kiev and New Russia Dragoons, the Lithuania Uhlans and the 5th Jagers. However night fell as they arrived and the battle broke off. On the 10th, Platov drew up his rearguard (Ahtirka Hussars, Kiev and New Russia Dragoons, Illovaiski #5, # 10, # 11 and # 12, and two horse batteries) along the road to Mir, and placed the rest of the Cossacks in an attempt to ambush the Polish cavalry as it resumed the advance." Kouteinikov's force (half of the Ataman Cossacks, Grekhov-VIII's Cossacks, Haritonov's Cossacks and Simferopol Tartars) moved to Simiakovo.
The 4th Light Cavalry Division followed Platov. The 7th Uhlans took the lead while Turno's 3rd, 15th and 16th Uhlans were on the edge of Simiakovo. The 2nd and 11th Uhlans were on the northern edge of the village. Platov's regiments attacked the 7th Uhlans and threw them back. They also attacked the 3rd, 15th and 16th Uhlans. The cavalry battle raged for 6 hours ! Kouteinikov's 2,100 men arrived and charged throwing back the left wing. Platov pushed Turno back and advanced on Mir where he encountered Polish 4th Chasseurs and horse battery. Now it was Platov's turn to loose ground, he abandoned Mir and withdrew to the woods.
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发表于 2007-3-25 08:41:14 | 显示全部楼层
我记得的是7月10日,俄历6月28日,普拉托夫哥萨克军遭遇波兰骑兵。波兰骑兵打的过于兴奋,在哥萨克面前吃了不少亏,不过俄军也没能真正击败他们,法军第4猎骑兵团赶来支援以后普拉托夫最后还是撤退了。应该 ... [/quote]<br />
PS:The Three Musketeers不是《三个火枪手〉的标准翻译方法么?
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发表于 2007-3-25 11:59:58 | 显示全部楼层
我是2003年陪一个法国设计师去兵马俑时和他谈起大仲马时这么说的The Three Musketeers,反正大家说的都是6脚英语(一人3脚 ),彼此都能听懂。
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发表于 2007-3-25 20:48:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-5-1 07:36:54 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2007-5-11 21:52:02 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-5-11 23:15:45 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 austerlitz 于 2007-2-19 06:10 发表


# Paraskevia 74 - Captured by France 1809
# Sv. Elena 74 - Captured by Britain 1808
# Uriil 84 - Captured by France 1809
# Yaroslav 74 - Captured by Britain 1808
# Moskva 74 - Captured by France 1809
# Sv. Petr 74 - Captured by France 1809
# Selafail 74 - Captured by Britain 1808
# Sadd al-Bahr 84 (ex-Turkish Sadd al-Bahr, captured 1807) - Captured by
France 1809
# Rafail 84 - Captured by Britain 1808
# Silnyi 74 - Captured by Britain 1808, released 1813
# Tverdyi 74 - Captured by Britain 1808
# Moshtchnyi 74 - Captured by Britain 1808, released 1813
# Skoryi 64 - Captured by Britain 1808

[ 本帖最后由 iron duke 于 2007-5-11 23:38 编辑 ]
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发表于 2007-5-15 09:22:54 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 iron duke 于 2007-5-11 23:15 发表

# Paraskevia 74 - Captured by France 1809
# Sv. Elena 74 - Captured by Britain 1808
# Uriil 8 ...


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发表于 2007-5-15 20:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2007-5-16 05:56:59 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 iron duke 于 2007-5-15 20:04 发表
俄国海军在彼得大帝之后曾一度衰落,到叶卡捷琳娜女沙皇时代再度发展起来。海军最大的战列舰达到130门炮。俄土战争,几次决定性击败了土耳其人。1790年俄舰队在维堡海战大败瑞典海军,不过后来也在Svensksund被 ...


PS 在拿破仑时代英军海军将领中,西德尼 史密斯是我最看好的一位,他曾与富尔顿一起合作实验新的技术,违纪小传说他“指挥近海作战行动颇有技巧”。
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