发表于 2011-1-1 14:23:32
帖木儿的政治才能与他的军事能力并不相称,至少根据David Nicolle的评价,他的稳固统治地域也仅限于河中、阿富汗和波斯东部,事实上,尽管曾经远征过脱脱迷失,但金帐汗国并未被置于帖木儿治下,反而出身白帐的也迪该在帖木儿死后不到一年就继续入侵河中地区:
Most of Timur's later life was subsequently spent on campaign; yet he remained an inefficient conqueror, constantly returning to face stubborn 'rebels', a thing Genghis Khan rarely had to do.
Timur's aims also differed from those of Genghis Khan. For example, he apparently had no wish to rule the vast but poor steppes of Central Asia and southern Russia. His expeditions to the north or north-east were intended to crush the remaining Jagatai Khans and ensure that the Golden Horde never became a threat to his rear. Even Timur's campaigns in Iran, Iraq, India, Syria, the Caucasus and Anatolia were largely for loot. Booty and the skilled craftsmen whom his troops dragged back to Samarqand were to enrich Timur's homeland. Even where he did establish a permanent administration it generally proved inefficient and short-lived. In fact the effect of Timur's wars, beyond the frontiers of Transoxania itself, was to complete the destructi(川started by the Mongols and which had been only partially repaired by theri successors. He ruined trade and reduced
populations by a sometimes staggering amount, though again contemporary chroniclers probably exaggerated the extent of the devastation. Timur might have been a great soldier, but in purely historical terms he could he seen as the greatest bandit of all time. His empire soon fell apart, though his descendants did hold much of eastern Iran and Afghanistan, well as Transoxania. |