本帖最后由 tvera 于 2012-3-12 15:36 编辑
1.Grouchy: 'Marshal Grouchy, with 34,000 menand 108 cannon, solved the apparently undiscoverable secret of being, on the morning of the 18th June 1815, neither on the battlefield of Mont St Jean nor on that at Wave... His conduct was as unforeseeable as if his army, on themarch, had undergone an earthquake and been swallowed up.'
In 1789 Kellermann enthusiastically embraced the cause of the French Revolution, and in 1791 became general of the army in Alsace. In April 1792 he was made a lieutenant-general, and in August of the same year there came to him the opportunity of his lifetime. He rose to the occasion, and his victory over the Prussians at the Battle of Valmy, in Goethe's words, "opened a new era in the history of the world". Napoleon later commented that: "I think I'm the boldest general that ever lived, but I daren't take post on that ridge with windmill at Valmy (where Kellermann took position) in 1793."
In 1802, he was ennobled by Napoleon, and he took as his title the Duke of Valmy.
3.Lannes: 'In the case of Lannes, his courage in the first place carried him further than his spirit; but each day his spirit rose to the occasion, and restored the balance. He had truly become a superiorbeing by the time he perished; I found him a pygmy, but I lost a giant."