
近卫军名将 - 赤胆忠心的“圣贤”德鲁奥 电影《滑铁卢》DVD-5一张钱老神作 THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
拿破仑所著小说《克利松与欧仁妮》波兰军团的创始者——东布罗夫斯基 路易斯-皮雷•蒙布伦和他的骑兵生涯
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发表于 2013-8-28 15:55:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-11-21 09:54 编辑



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 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-28 16:00:19 | 显示全部楼层
目前完成第140-153页, 博罗季诺战役第二阶段(上午12点到下午6点) 北方部分——骑兵突击。地名及人名尚未完全替换。时间仓促,工作紧张,有不足之处请各位指正,谢谢
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-28 17:18:07 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-8-30 16:10 编辑

140页  博罗季诺战役第二阶段(上午12点到下午6点)

We left the village of Borodino shortly after the attack by Delzon's division in the opening act of the battle. The village was recaptured by the counter-attacking Russian troops, who were then ordered to abandon it to the French. For the next several hours, one brigade of Delzon's division was engaged in intermittent skirmishing with the Russian Jagers along the river, while the second brigade was deployed north of the village. The 21st and 22nd Light Cavalry Brigades were moved to the left bank of the Voina to cover the left flank of the French troops at Borodino. Not far from them was the 84th Line, while two squadrons of the 4th Bavarian Chevau-leger left behind near the village of Bezzubovo.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-28 17:21:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-9-18 14:47 编辑


General Anthouard Vraincourt deployed his and Colonel Millot's batteries on the heights east of Borodino and maintained fire against the Russian right flank. Sources disagree on the number of French guns involved, estimates varying from twenty to almost 100. Labaume and Laugier indicate that, in addition to his own battery, Anthouard de Vraincourt was also assisted by the reserve artillery of the 15th Division and the Italian Guard. Russian participants agree that the French had set up 'large batteries' near Borodino, which waged an efficient fire. Memoirs of Bavarian officers reveal that their cavalry was dismounted until noon and observed the ongoing battle from a distance. By late morning, as the fighting at Semeyonovskoye and Rayevsky's Redoubt escalated, Napoleon had only about 10,000 men, including some 2,000 cavalrymen, covering his extreme left flank while the majority of his forces were shifted to the centre and the right flank. As a result, his left wing became weakened and, as Pelet noted, 'attacking with its right shoulder forward [the French] gradually subsided from the New Smolensk Road, which served as their line of communication'.

Anthouard Vraincourt 将军把他和Millot's上校的炮兵设在博罗季诺东边的高地上,与俄军右翼不断交火。各种资料给出的法国火炮数目从20到100不等。Labaume 和Laugier指出,除了他自身的炮兵排,Anthouard Vraincourt将军还得到了来自第15师和意大利近卫军预备火炮的支持。俄国方面的亲历者也同意“法军在博罗季诺附近部署了大量火炮”这一说法,而法国炮兵也的确提供了有效的火力支援。巴伐利亚军官们的回忆中透露到,他们的骑兵直到中午都没有上马,一直在远处观看将要开始的战斗。早上晚些时候,在经历了Semeyonovskoye 和Rayevsky多面堡战斗之后,拿破仑手中只有大约1万人可供调遣,这其中包括了约2千骑兵用来掩护他极为突出的左翼,而此时法军的主力已经往中央和右翼运动。这使得法军左翼变得虚弱,而像Pelet记录的:俄军右翼的进攻在法军的交通线——新斯摩棱斯克大道才逐渐平息。

Northern Sector - The Cavalry Raid
Around 7am, shortly after the combat for Borodino ended. Ataman Platov, with the Ilovaisky V, Grekov XVIII, Kharitonov VII, Denisov VII, Zhirov and parts of the Ataman and Simferopol Horse Tartar Regiments, departed his camp and began moving along the right flank of the Russian Army.^^^ Clausewitz, who was at the Russian headquarters, recalled that Platov was astonished where he had expected to find the entire left wing of the enemy to meet with few or no troops. He saw the left wing of [Eugene] moving against Borodino and it seemed to him that nothing would be easier to fall on its left flank, et csetera [...] In short, Platoff [s;c] dispatched the Prince of Hesse-Philippsthal who was with him as a volmiteer, to General Kutuzov to acquaint him with the discovery he had made and to make the proposal to throw a considerable body of cavalry over the river by the ford and fall on the exposed flank of the enemy.

Colonel Ernst Constantine Flesse-Philippsthal was forty-one years old and, although Clausewitz describes him as 'a young officer without experience', he did serve in the Hessian Army for many years before enlisting in the Russian military in 1808, fighting the Turks and suffering two serious wounds in as many years. Platov's idea appealed to him and he presented it to Colonel Toll 'with so much liveliness that at first it really had a winning appearance'. Clausewitz noted that Hesse-Philippsthal reached headquarters at an important moment, when Toll just returned with an exaggerated report that  all was going on favourably [on the left wing], Bagration having repulsed every attack. At the same moment arrived an account that in the redoubt of the centre, which had for a moment been regained from the French who had stormed it, the King of Naples had been taken prisoner.


在大约上午7点,博罗季诺村战斗结束后一小会儿,Platov和Ilovaisky V, Grekov XVIII, Kharitonov VII, Denisov VII, Zhirov及部分鞑靼骑兵离开了他们的营地,沿着俄军右翼开始运动。当时正在俄军司令部克劳塞维茨回忆道,Platov 在预计的敌军左翼几乎没有发现军队时大吃一惊。而此时欧仁的左翼正向着博罗季诺反方向移动,瞧上去似乎不堪一击。随后,Platov派出麾下的志愿者Hesse-Philippsthal王子(亲王还是王子),到库图佐夫那里去通报敌情,并且建议投入大批骑兵跨河作战,攻击暴露在平原上的敌人。
41岁的Ernst Constantine Flesse-Philippstha上校尽管被克劳塞维茨描述成一位毫无经验的新手,但1808年参加俄军之前已经在黑森军队里有多年的服役经历,并因与土耳其的战斗两次负重伤。他十分积极地向Toll上校提交了Platov的建议(这个提案也甚合他胃口 )——而这个建议开始看起来也的确很有赢面。克劳塞维茨记录到,Hesse-Philippsthal在一个重要的时候来到了指挥部,那时Toll刚刚带着一份夸大的报告回来:诸事皆顺(左翼),巴格拉季昂挫败了敌人的每一次进攻。同时一个消息传来:在刚刚从法军手中夺回的中央阵地多面堡中,俄军俘虏了那不勒斯国王。
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-28 17:44:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-9-24 09:15 编辑


The reader certainly remembers that situation was far from favourable on the left wing, where Bagration's troops were in the midst of a bloodbath, and that 'the King of Naples' was none other than the unfortunate General Bonnamy. But the truth is in the eye of beholder and, as Clausewitz recalled 'the enthusiasm blazed up like lighted straw' when Toll and Hesse-Philippsthal laid before Kutuzov the idea of attacking the French left flank Clausewitz was cautious of the idea and he criticized Toll, who was 'too much carried away by the pervading feeling, believed that a lively diversion with a corps of cavalry on the enemy's left would strike an effectual blow and perhaps decide the battle'.

读者一定能发现这个情况离左翼的进展相差很远,巴格拉季昂的军队正处于这个杀戮之地的中央,而那不勒斯国王不是别人,正是那不幸的Bonnamy将军(等我把前文再看一遍,这里有些问题)。但是真相是怎样的呢?根据旁观者和克劳塞维茨的回忆,当Toll 和Hesse-Philippsthal在库图佐夫前提出进击法军左翼的建议时,人们的热情仿佛像被点着的干草,猛烈地燃烧了起来。克劳塞维茨对这个建议持谨慎态度,并且质疑了当时沉浸在狂热气氛中的Toll,后者坚信,以一个骑兵军在左翼积极地活动会调动敌方注意,并会给法军一个有力的打击——这很可能决定这场战役的胜负。
Bennigsen, who was present at this scene, later wrote in his memoirs: After the enemy launched an attack, as I predicted, against our left wing, I hurried to Prince Kutuzov and told him the following, 'If you do not want to have your left wing shattered, you must reinforce it with the troops from the right flank; if only they would arrive in time there.' Kutuzov listened to me and then ordered to send some troops to strengthen our left flank.


Bennigsen then listened to Toll's report on the cavalry raid and witnessed Kutuzov's approval of it.^®^ Lowenstern, Barclay de Tolly's adjutant, reached headquarters to find Kutuzov standing still, surrounded by a large suite. Throughout the day. General Bennigsen and Colonel Toll explored the batdefield on the orders of Kutuzov. Bennigsen briefly stopped to talk to Barclay de Tolly, and when he left, Barclay told me, 'This man would spoil everything - he is very envious. His self-esteem makes him think that only he is capable to give a batde and conduct it with success. There is no doubt that he is talented but he seeks to use his skills only to satisfy his ambidon; he is disinterested in this great and sacred matter [and] I consider his presence with the army as a great adversity. Kutuzov shares my opinion. Let us see now how he would execute a cavalry movement on our extreme right flank, which I count on to move forward with all my reserves. This should deliver a powerful blow to the enemy.

本尼格森之后听了Toll的骑兵突击报告并看到库图佐夫批准了行动。巴克莱的副官Lowenstern 到指挥部时发现库图佐夫依然站着,周围则是一大群随从。本尼格森将军和Toll上校奉库图佐夫的命令用整整一天探察了战场。本尼格森停下来简短地和巴克莱交谈了一会,在他离开后,巴克莱告诉我:“这个男人的嫉妒心会把事情搞砸的。自尊让他认为我们只有靠他才能取得胜利。他的才智毋庸置疑,可是他所做的一切仅仅是为了满足自己的野心罢了;他对这神圣而伟大的战斗毫不关心,我认为他在军队中的表现是个灾难。库图佐夫知道我的看法。让我们看看他如何在右翼实行一次骑兵突击,我倒是指望所有的后备军都向那里前进。我们该狠狠地打击敌人。“

Memoirs suggest that the proposal for launching a cavalry raid came from Platov, via Prince Hesse-Philippsthal and Toll, to Kutuzov. However, subsequent battle histories sought to mitigate the awkward fact that such a 'great' idea did not emanate from the Commander-in-Chief. So attempts were made to correct it. Thus, according to Alexander Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, receiving reports on casualties on the left flank,
Kutuzov  desiring to personally confirm their veracity, ascended a nearby hill that was showered by grenades and their fragments [...] The life of a man on whom Russia placed her hopes was now hanging by a hair. In vain did his adjutants try to persuade him to come down from the hill and, when no arguments convinced him, the adjutants simply took the reigns of his horse and led him out of the fire. After this personal observation, Kutuzov made two orders [...] [and under the second order,] Platov, with Cossacks, and Uvarov, with the I Cavalry Corps, were to ford the Kolocha upstream from Borodino and attack the enemy  jgft wing. With such movement, Prince Kutuzov sought to distract Napoleon's attention and divert some of his forces from our left wing.^^^

回忆录里暗示Platov是发起骑兵突击的首倡者,经由Hesse-Philippsthal 和 Toll传递给库图佐夫。不过,后世的战史简略了未经指挥部而发出这样的“伟大“命令带来的可怕的影响。人们之后不得不做很多努力来弥补失误。因此,根据Alexander Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky的回忆,在接到了左翼伤亡的报告后,库图佐夫决定亲自了解下实际情况,他登上了附近一座被弹雨覆盖的小山。这个寄托了俄国希望的人此时生命如悬一线。他的随从们试图劝说他从山上下来,可是都无功而返,当他没有拿定主意的时候,随从们只能牵着他的马带他脱离战火。在亲自观察了战局后,库图佐夫下达两个命令:派出Platov的哥萨克部队连同Uvarov的第一骑兵军对法军左翼实行攻击。库图佐夫希望用这次行动分散拿破仑的注意力,减轻俄军左翼的压力。
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-28 17:54:46 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-8-29 14:12 编辑


This account leaves no doubt who came up with the idea of the cavalry raid and then made a decision to act upon it. It was Kutuzov, without any input from other generals. However, Clausewitz left a drastically different account of how Kutuzov arrived at his decision. After Toll presented Platov's suggestion, the Russian Commander-in-Chief simply replied 'C'est bon, prenez le!' Kutuzov 'had been listening to all the reports and discussions like one who did not exactly know whether he stood on his head or his heels, and only from time to time said "C'est bon, faites le!" ' This version is plainly critical of Kutuzov, who shows no initiative and passively observes the flow of the battle.


These contrasting accounts eventually produced feuding factions, which sought to correct the historical record. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky's attempt to embellish Kutuzov's reputation was certainly due to his status as a court historian, whose writings were regularly censored. However, the historian also had a personal feud with Colonel Toll, which probably made him seek ways to erase his rival from the annals of history. Among participants of the battle, Bennigsen, Wolzogen and Toll were highly critical of Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky and tried to correct Kutuzov's role in making the decision.On the opposite side, Liprandi objected to Clausewitz's account and called for Russian historians to rely on memoirs of 'genuine' Russians rather than of 'some foreign German'. Liprandi argued that if the cavalry raid idea was first suggested by Platov, he would have been appointed to command it, especially considering the fact that Uvarov was a lieutenant general, while Platov was a full general. He also disputed the notion of Toll being able to influence Kutuzov and instead portrayed Kutuzov as a strong-willed and independent leader.

这个迥然不同的记述带来了长期的争论,这些持不同意见的人期望还原历史。Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky作为受到写作审查的官方学者,努力地维护库图佐夫的声誉。但是,历史学家们对于Toll上校也有长期争论,他似乎用了某种方法从历史记录上抹掉了自己的对手。战役亲历者如本尼格森、Wolzogen、Toll 被Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky多加抨击以此来修正库图佐夫的形象。另一方面,Liprandi反对克劳塞维茨的说法,并号召俄国人依靠自己的回忆而不是德国人来做出判断。Liprandi争论说如果发动骑兵突击是Platov第一个提出来的,那他应该受命去指挥战斗,特别提到Uvarov是中将军衔,而Platov的军衔是上将。他也争论到Toll的观点也会影响库图佐夫,库图佐夫并不是一个意志坚强、独立自主的领导。

This approach was later taken by the Soviet historians and can be traced through virtually all Soviet-era publications. Beskrovny, in his 1951 study, asserted that Kutuzov was the person behind the manoeuvre and it was due to his 'anticipating Kutuzov's counter-manoeuvre' that Napoleon refused to commit his Imperial Guard elsewhere. Tarle repeated Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky's account and described the raid as Kutuzov's 'sudden and truly ingenious decision' and 'cunningly conceived and brilliantly executed diversion'. Garnich went as far as to claim that Kutuzov 'planned this manoeuvre before the battle' and was supported in this assertion by Beskrovny, who, in his 1968 study, believed that 'Kutuzov seized [the] initiative from Napoleon by dispatching M.I. Platov and P.P. Uvarov's cavalry on flanking raid'.^^^ To support this official version of history, special artworks were commissioned, depicting Kutuzov actively directing Platov (who was not at Gorki at all) and Uvarov to launch the raid. All these claims were far-fetched. Kutuzov could not have conceived the raid prior to the battle, since he was still concerned that Napoleon would make his main attack against the Russian right flank so Platov, acting with Cossacks only, could produce no tangible results. Instead, Kutuzov's initial order simply instructed Platov to make a reconnaissance of the enemy left flank and the Cossack Ataman's six regiments were more than enough for forceful scouting.

这个观点在苏联时代被学者广为接受,所有的苏联时代的出版物里都沿用了这一论点。Beskrovny在他1951年的研究报告里,断言库图佐夫就是这次行动的策划者,正是由库图佐夫发起的这次攻势,拖住了拿破仑的帝国近卫军。Tarle重复了 Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky的记述,把这次突击描述成库图佐夫“突然、富有创造性的决定,并收获了极好的效果“。Garnich也宣称库图佐夫在战斗之前便对这次行动有所谋划,他的依据来自Beskrovny,后者在1968年的研究中相信库图佐夫通过派出Platov 和Uvarov的骑兵进行突击,从拿破仑手里夺过了战场主动权。为了使官方的说法更有信服力,各种描述库图佐夫直接命令Platov 和Uvarov(前者当时根本不在高地上)积极出击的艺术作品被创造出来。这些说法都和事实相距甚远。库图佐夫并没有优先考虑这次骑兵突击,既然他只关心拿破仑主攻方向的俄军右翼,那么仅仅派出Platov的哥萨克不会对战局产生重大影响。换句话说,库图佐夫只是让Platov对法军左翼进行一次突击,六个哥萨克团的兵力对于这次威力侦察来说绰绰有余。
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-28 18:00:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-9-24 09:19 编辑


So, the decision to launch a raid was made. Kutuzov agreed to assign half of Platov's Cossacks (up to 2,700 men) and Uvarov's entire I Cavalry Corps (about 2,440 men with twelve guns) for this mission.^^^ The strength of the Russian cavalry committed to this manoeuvre varies between Russian and Western studies, mainly because the latter often include Platov's total Cossack force, when in reality he led only six regiments.The attacking body consisted entirely of cavalry, without infantry support, and as such could hardly have achieved serious results. Clausewitz lamented that 'a due estimate of the magnitude of the undertaking was wanting ...'


The area between Bezzubovo and Borodino was intersected by several marshy rivulets with steep banks. Just south of Bezzubovo was a small lake, created by a dam on the Voina stream. The banks of the stream were steep, as Lieutenant Heilbronner attested. A small mill with a bridge was situated near the dam. The Allied 21st Light Cavalry Brigade was moved to the left bank of the Voina around 10am, while the 22nd and 13th Brigades were on the opposite bank along with the Bavarian battery of Captain Wiedemann. The French infantry was also deployed along the banks: the 84th Line being near the mill, while the 92nd and 106th further south. There were additional French forces available at the confluence of the Voina and Kolocha, where Chastel's 3rd Light Cavalry Division, La Houssaye's 6th Heavy Cavalry Division, and the Italian Guard with artillery were located.

Bezzubovo和博罗季诺的中间区域被陡峭的河岸分成数块。在Bezzubovo的正南方有一个由Voina河大坝而形成的小湖。就像Heilbronner少尉说的那样,极为陡峭。在大坝附近有一个连着桥的小磨坊。第21轻骑兵旅在上午10点左右被派往Voina河左岸,与此同时第22和第13旅同Wiedemann上尉的巴伐利亚炮兵排一起处于河的对岸。法国步兵沿河列阵:第84线列步兵团在磨坊附近,第92和106团则在更远的南方。在Voina 和 Kolocha的法军可以对他们进行增援,那里部署有Chastel的第3轻骑兵师、La Houssaye的第6重骑兵师和配属炮兵的意大利近卫军。

As his cavalry began moving, Uvarov forded the Kolocha near Maloye Selo and deployed the Yelisavetgradskii Hussars and the Guard Cossacks in the front line, with the Guard Dragoons, Uhlans and Hussar regiments behind them. The Nezhinskii Dragoons and the 2nd Horse Artillery Company were moving further in the rear. According to Clausewitz, 'it was between 11 [am] and 12[noon]' when Uvarov's troops finally reached the Voina stream. Lowenstern, standing near Gorki, was dissatisfied the way Uvarov handled the attack, noting that 'either orders were not particularly precise or the General, who was entrusted with this attack, was not sufficiently skilled; in any case, the movement was carried out quite clumsily. General Uvarov, who directed it, showed himself as an incompetent man.' Uvarov's slow movement can be partially explained by the rough terrain, but one can agree with Lowenstern's lament that the Russians 'could have achieved completely different results if the cavalry, delegated to turn the enemy left flank, were commanded by someone of Vasilchikov's, Pahlen's, Lambert's or Chernyshev's stature'. Instead, the Russian cavalry advance was 'remarkably slow-paced and [...] seemed to tell the enemy "Beware!" [instead of attacking] [...] the entire manoeuvre was executed methodically and unhurriedly。’

在他的骑兵开始行动的时候,Uvarov 在Maloye Selo附近渡过了 Kolocha河,他在前线部署了Yelisavetgradskii骠骑兵和近卫哥萨克,紧随其后的则是近卫龙骑兵、枪骑兵和骠骑兵。Nezhinskii龙骑兵和第2骑炮连在更远的后方。根据克劳塞维茨的说法,大概在上午11点到中午12点,Uvarov的部队到达Voina河边。在Gorki附近的 Lowenstern并不满意Uvarov进攻的方式,命令没有精确的传达到将军手中,而热心于进攻的将军的指挥水平也不敢恭维。不管怎么说,这是一次极为拙劣的行动。Uvarov将军把他的无能淋漓尽致地展现了出来。他慢吞吞的行动部分可以归因于糟糕的地形,但有一点,就像Lowenstern悲叹的那样,俄军骑兵如果由Vasilchikov, Pahlen, Lambert 或者 Chernyshev那样的人来指挥进击敌军左翼,将取得完全不同的战果。但现在俄军的慢吞吞行动仿佛在告诉敌人:留神!我们来了!整个行动的实施可以用“毫无章法,拖沓犹豫”八个字来形容。

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-28 18:09:21 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-9-24 09:24 编辑


Lieutenant Heilbronner of the 4th Chevau-leger was with his company, assigned to patrol duty along the stream, where he could see uch steep banks that it seemed impossible to me that a cavalry could cross the river here. So I calmly watched the opposite bank that suddenly became alive with enormous masses of enemy cavalry. Numerous horsemen appeared seeking a ford. Suddenly, a long cavalry column approached [the brook] and, descending into the ravine, it crossed it. I quickly turned back to withdraw my company but it was too late and a moment later I was in a tight circle of attacking Russian cavalrymen and all of us galloped in confusion through the woods. These were the troops of the [Russian] Guard light cavalry under [the] command of Uvarov, who decided to launch this attack to turn our left flank. I noticed that the enemy cavalry was in disarray and, it was a bit slighting that the enemy cavalrymen did not even notice my small detachment. And so I moved amidst a glittering escort of Guard Hussars and Cossacks, completely unnoticed by them ..

第四轻骑兵队Heilbronner少尉的连被派往河边巡逻,河岸是如此陡峭,骑兵想要从哪里过河简直是异想天开。所以他只是静静的看着对面,突然河那边嘈杂起来,出现了大群的俄军骑兵。数不尽的骑手都在寻找渡河点,突然,一长列骑兵接近了河岸,他们渡河了。少尉立刻返身撤回连队,可是一切已经太迟了,一瞬间,他就被攻过河的俄军骑兵紧密围住,所有的人都困惑地躲在林木中。这些部队来自攻击法军左翼的俄国近卫轻骑兵 (Uvarov部)。少尉注意到敌军骑兵没有发现他的小队,于是他从近卫骠骑兵和哥萨克的中间得以溜出而丝毫未引起敌人的留意。

Platov, informed of Uvarov's advance, ordered his Cossacks to spread along the valley and harass the enemy lines. Cossacks made several charges to probe the French defence and the Ataman reported that he 'acted offensively against the enemy cavalry and infantry, which was in the woods, and after numerous charges, we routed [the French] cavalry and captured up to 200 [men].''*"'- With a mass of blue and red uniformed Cossacks moving towards the enemy, Glinka recaUed that the entire valley suddenly flushed brightly with Don Cossacks. They began making circles and flaunting their tricks. The French forward patrols quickly fled [but] the Cossacks sat on their shoulders! The French and Germans tried in vain to fend them off with their long swords and spurred their heavy horses [to escape]: yet, the Don Cossacks, braced to their saddles, flew like arrows on their small horses, circled around, rushed forward and stung them with their lances like incensed wasps. It soon began to resemble a hunt on hares. Russian soldiers, standing near the Gorki Heights [...] saw the Don Cossacks' valour and cheered them: they waived their hands, laughed aloud and yelled, 'Look at them, look at them! Well done Cossacks! Bravo Cossacks! Show no mercy to the French!'

Platov 获悉Uvarov出动,也命令他的哥萨克沿着山谷展开并袭击敌军的线路。为了探测法军的防御,哥萨克发动了数次冲锋,哥萨克首领报告说道“行动遭到了树林中敌军步骑兵的积极抵抗,在大规模冲击后,我们驱逐了法军骑兵,俘虏了约200人”大群红蓝制服的哥萨克向着敌军进发,Glinka 回忆中,顿河哥萨克的浪潮淹没了整个山谷。他们开始庆贺并炫耀自己的马术。法军先锋快速地后退,但哥萨克已经冲了上来!法国人和德国人徒劳的挥舞着长剑,用靴刺狠狠地催马加速,但这一切都是徒劳的。哥萨克在他们的轻型马上如箭飞至,手里的骑枪似毒蜂般刺出。战斗马上变成了追猎。在Gorki高地上的俄军目睹了哥萨克的英勇并为此高声欢呼:“看啊!看啊!好样的哥萨克!勇猛的哥萨克!不要可怜那些法国佬!”

As soon as the Russian cavahy was noticed, Ornano sent an urgent message to Eugene, which was received as the Viceroy was preparing for a new assault on Rayevsky's Redoubt."^®^ Con cerned about the flanking manoeuvre, Eugene halted his attack and, sending his adjutant to inform Napoleon, rushed himself to the new theatre of action. As Clausewitz described: the village [of Borodino] lay on [Uvarov's] left, in which the troops of [Eugene] had established themselves; before him was the brook, which runs through swampy meadows. On his side of it stood a couple of regiments of cavalry and a mass of infantry [...] The French cavalry retired immediately over a dam, which crossed the brook at about 2,000 paces from Borodino; the infantry, how-ever, was bold enough to remain and form square with the dam in their rear.

在俄军骑兵被发现的同时,Ornano 向欧仁发出了一条紧急消息,后者收到的时候正准备对Rayevsky's 多面堡发动新的突击。考虑到这些,欧仁停止了攻击,派出他的副官向皇帝通报消息,告诉他新出现的威胁。就像克劳塞维茨记述的:博罗季诺村在Uvarov的左侧,此时欧仁的部队已经占领了这里,在其前方则是流过沼泽地的河流。在他的一侧有两个骑兵团和大量的步兵。法军骑兵立刻通过离博罗季诺约两千步的跨河坝撤退,剽悍的步兵聚成方阵紧随其后。

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-28 18:15:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-9-24 09:32 编辑


Among the French Regiments were the 84th Line, which organized square in front of the dam, while the 1st Croatian Provisional Regiment, the 92n^d Line and 8th Light deployed into battalion squares further downstream. Mitarevsky, standing near Rayevsky's Redoubt, claimed the enemy troops were in confusion, 'running on the riglit side from the village [Borodino] and moving into the field, where they organized several squares a few moments later'.Meanwhile, Glinka recalled that:
The commotion at Borodino did not escape the eyes of [Russian] spectators [...] 'Look! Look! The Frenchies ["Frantsuzishki"] are making a square: they are in trouble. We are winning!' [the soldiers shouted] and many of them clapped and yelled 'Hurrah!"'

对面是在坝前结成方阵的法军第84线列步兵团,此时第1克罗地亚暂编团,第92线列团和第8轻步兵团也在下游以营为单位结阵。当时正在Rayevsky多面堡 附近的Mitarevsky说,敌军处于混乱,他们跑向博罗季诺的右面田野中,一会后在那里组成了数个方阵。与此同时,Glinka回忆道:博罗季诺村的骚动没有逃过俄军的眼睛“快看!法国佬结成了方阵:他们遇到大麻烦了,我们胜利了!”许多士兵为此鼓掌雀跃,大声欢呼。

According to Prince Eugene, Delzon's troops rapidly formed into squares but this formation was not yet accomplished when the Croats received a charge that they repulsed with their fire. The enemy cavalry, reinforced by new squadrons, came to charge the 84th, which received it in the same manner. The forces of this cavalry were increasing each moment, it renewed successfully its charges on the square of the 8th Light and the Croats, of the 84th and the Eugene got to the front line during one of the Russian cavalry attacks and, as Lejeune described, he 'was going about amongst his battalions' when the Russians, 'who had probably recognized him, ordered a considerable body of Cossacks to charge and try to carry [Eugene] off.


Prince Eugene had no other recourse but to take refuge inside the square of the 84th Line, where Colonel Jean-Gaudens-Claude Pegot, who commanded the regiment, assured him that he was as safe inside the square as in one of his palaces. At the same time. General Anthouard and Colonel Millot redeployed their batteries to face the new threat and began firing upon the Russian cavalry. Eugene also dispatched orders to Grouchy to send additional cavalry from his corps against the Russians. 'It was about 11am,' wrote Lieutenant Combe of the 8th Chasseurs a Cheval, 'when General Grouchy's adjutant reached us ordering us to move to the left and cross the road upstream from Borodino ...' Anthouard noted that a large part of the III Cavalry Corps was deployed at that time, while Griois referred to just one brigade (the 11th) and Cerrini acknowledged only the Chasseurs a Cheval regiments of Chastel's division.According to Laugier of the Italian Guard at that very moment, we were fording the Kolocha, and, while preserving the greatest calm, were hastening our steps, the more ardent for a rumour that the Prince himself was in danger. Meanwhile, the Russian cavalry, growing more numerous, renewed its charges against the squares of the Croat's 8th Light, of the 84th and the 92nd Line ..

欧仁亲王没有别的办法,只能在第84线列步兵团的方阵里抵抗,该团的指挥官Jean-Gaudens-Claude Pegot向他保证:这里会像您的行宫一样安全!与此同时,Anthouard 将军和 Millot上校重新部署了他们的炮兵,法军的火雨向俄军骑兵倾泻而下。欧仁也命令Grouchy派出他的附属骑兵进行反击。第8猎骑兵团的Combe少尉写到:“约在上午11点,Grouchy将军的副官传达了命令,让我们穿过博罗季诺下方的道路,向着左翼运动。”Anthouard 注意到第3骑兵军的大队展开阵形,但是Griois说只有一个旅(第11旅),Cerrini认为只有Chastel师的一个猎骑兵团。根据意大利近卫军Laugier的说法,他们在那时候渡过了Kolocha河,保持镇定,加速前进,亲王深陷危难的传闻也越来越多。与此同时更多的俄军骑兵对克罗地亚第8轻步兵团、第84和92线列步兵团的方阵发起了新的冲锋。

Clausewitz, accompanying Uvarov suggested in vain that the ardllery should first open upon the [enemy in squares]'. But, Uvarov and 'the Russian officers feared that they would then retire and escape capture. The Hussars of the Guard were therefore advanced, and ordered to charge. They made three ineffectual attacks; the infantry lost neither their composure nor their ranks and returned a steady fire. The Hussars retired, as usually happens in such cases, some thirty paces, and withdrew out of fire. General Uwarow [sic] then discontinued these not very brilhant attempts and caused the artillery to open; at the first discharge, the enemy retired over the defile [and] the whole affairs then came to an end.


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-8-28 18:18:11 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-8-30 16:08 编辑


Uvarov's report adds some details to Clausewitz's account. The attack was made
despite disadvantageous terrain since we had to cross a deep ravine and a rivulet and, after ascending the opposite bank, to engage the enemy, with the [enemy occupied] village [of Borodino] to our left and the woods full of enemy troops to the right. Despite these difficulties, the attack was carried out in front of the entire army with an unexpected success. The enemy was routed and the battery barely managed to escape, but its two guns were seized by the Yelisavetgradskii Hussars; if not for such unfavourable terrain, they would have been removed at once. The enemy suffered considerable losses during the pursuit.


Further research reveals that the first attack was entrusted to Major General Vasili Oriov-Denisov, who led the Life Guard Hussar and Cossack Regiments and the Yelisavetgradskii Hussars; they were followed by the Life Guard Dragoon, Uhlan, and Nezhinskii Dragoon Regiments, supported by the 2nd Horse Company.'^^^ The Russian charge, however, faced stiff resistance. Ornano's cavalry crossed the dam across the Voina, which was protected by several squares organized by the 8th Light, 1st Croat Regiment, 84th and 92nd Line. The 6th, 8th and 25th Chasseurs a Cheval of Chastel's division were moved to the left bank of the Kolocha, later followed by additional troops from Grouchy's III Cavalry Corps and the Italian Guard.

进一步的研究披露,Vasili Oriov-Denisov指挥的近卫骠骑兵、哥萨克团、Yelisavetgradskii骠骑兵团是第一攻击波;近卫龙骑兵、枪骑兵、Nezhinskii龙骑兵团和第2骑炮连紧随其后。俄军的冲锋遭到了顽强的抵抗。Ornano的的骑兵从第8轻步兵团、第1克罗地亚团、第84和92线列步兵团方阵守卫的大坝渡过Voina河。Chastel师的第6、第8 和第25猎骑兵运动到Kolocha河左岸,增援的Grouchy第3骑兵军和意大利近卫军随之跟进。

During their attacks, the Russian cavalrymen suffered high casualties attacking the squares. Bavarian officer von Muraldt saw the enemy cavalry [...] implementing its plan. By the time the voltigeurs reached us, the wood was already in enemy hands. And hardly had the voltigeurs drawn up to our left, within range of it than individual sharpshooters from the Guard Cossacks were already visible on its fringe. As soon as the enemy facing us saw we had been outflanked, he crossed the Kolotcha [sic], everywhere shallow and easily forded, and, protected by his artillery, attacked our front. Every moment we were waiting for the order to advance against him; but whether our general's attention was mainly directed towards the attack threatening our flank or for some other reason no such order came; and we could only wait the enemy, who was coming at us flat out. Not until the Russians were 200 paces away did the order come: 'Carbines up! Fire!' And hardly had we fired out carbines - mostly without effect (as is usual with cavalry) - than we were attacked and over-thrown by two hussar regiments At the same time, the Guard Cossacks were advancing out of the wood, overriding both our voltigeur companies, and striking into our flank. Attacked from front and in flank, and on such utterly unfavourable terrain, the many of us took to our heels. For a moment, generals, officers and soldiers swirled around in a single confused mass. Everyone was spurring his horse to get out of this jam as quick as ever he could ...

俄军骑兵在攻击法军方阵的时候遭到了重大伤亡。巴伐利亚军官von Muraldt 看到敌军骑兵执行着他们的计划。当法国散兵到达我们这里的时候,敌人已经拿下了树丛,使他们不得不在我们左翼停了下来,此时林木边缘的哥萨克神射手都隐隐可见。当我们接战的时候,敌人已经迂回过来,他们渡过Kolotcha河的每一处浅滩,并且有炮兵支援进攻。我们时刻等待着反击的命令;但不知是我们将军把注意力集中于敌人进攻带来的威胁还是其他的原因,命令却一直未下达;我们只能等待,而敌人正向我们全速冲来。俄军距离我们200步左右时,命令下达了:“举枪!开火!”在射击还没完成的时候——基本上也没有多少效果(这对骑兵来说是正常情况)——两个俄国骠骑兵团就淹没了我们。与此同时,近卫哥萨克也冲出了树丛,击溃了散兵连并突入我们侧翼。在如此不利的地形下遭到正面和侧面的双重打击,很多人都选择了脚下抹油。那时候,上到将军下至一兵,混杂成大队人流。每个人都狠踢马刺,一心想着离开这个要命的拥堵之地。
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