本帖最后由 王法拉 于 2013-10-24 10:35 编辑
Over the next day and half the RussianArmy passed through the capital, which was hastily being evacuated. ‘The marchof the Army, while being executed with admirable order considering thecircumstances, resembled a funeral procession more than a military progress …’noted Buturlin, adding that ‘Officers and men wept with rage’.Meanwhile, Dokhturov voiced his indignation at Kutuzov’s the decision ‘toabandon one’s cradle without a single shot and without a fight! I am in a fury…’ And many shared his views. Even more outspoken was Governor Rostopchin, whohad spent the previous weeks convincing the people of Moscow that the Russianswere winning the war: ‘The blood is boiling in my veins,’ he wrote to his wife,‘I think that I shall die of the pain.’
On 14September Napoleon’s troops entered Moscow. The previous day Miloradovich andMurat struck an impromptu armistice to allow the Russian rearguard to withdrawand, as Perovsky recalled, some were stunned to witness French troops allowingthe Russians to march through their ranks.552 But the majority in the FrenchArmy believed that, to all intents and purposes, the war was now over, andthere was no reason to spill more blood. There was hardly any doubt that TsarAlexander would have to make peace with Napoleon.
Forthe Russians, however, the war was far from finished. The French hardlyoccupied the capital when fires began throughout the city and continued to burnfor the next three days, destroying two-thirds of the city. The fires werestarted on the orders of Rostopchin, who preferred to see the capital destroyedrather than in the hands of the triumphant enemy. ‘It was the most grand, themost sublime and the most terrific sight the world ever beheld!’ Napoleonreminisced in exile on St Helena. Yet the great fire had a tremendous impact onthe French Army, which descended into chaos and disorder. Pion des Lochesrecalled that The army had dissolved completely; everywhere one could seedrunken soldiers and officers loaded with booty and provisions seized fromhouses which had fallen prey to the flames. The streets were strewn with books,porcelain, furniture and clothing of every kind.
可是对于俄国人,战争远未结束。法国人艰难地占领了莫斯科,不过一场大火随之而来,三天三夜的燃烧把三分之二的城市化为废墟。Rostopchin下达了纵火命令,他宁可失去这座城市也不愿让敌人享用俄国人民的果实。“世界上最壮观、最极端、最可怕的场景,就此发生了!”在圣赫勒拿岛上,拿破仑回忆道。大火极大的影响了法军秩序,骚乱充斥了莫斯科。Pion des Loches回忆道整个军队已经失去组织,喝醉的官兵随处可见,他们把从失火建筑中找到的补给和战利品大把揣入怀中。街道上散布着书籍、瓷器、家具和各式各样的衣服。
Whilethe French remained in Moscow, the Russian Army manoeuvred from the Ryazan Roadto the Kaluga Road, where Kutuzov established the TarutinoCamp. Through this manoeuvre, Kutuzov covered the southern provinces withabundant supplies and manufacturing enterprises. The Russians also threatenedNapoleon’s rear and lines of communication. At Tarutino, Kutuzov beganintensive preparations for future operations and increased his army to110,000–120,000 men, with additional militia forces to come. Kutuzov alsoencouraged guerrilla operations against the invaders and organized severalregular cavalry detachments to harass French communications and supply lines.Napoleon made several peace proposals to Alexander, but they were all rejected.
在法军停留于莫斯科的时候,俄军从Ryazan 大道运动至 Kaluga 大道,库图佐夫在那里设立了Tarutino兵营。通过这次行动,库图佐夫得到了南方省份大量的物资器械补给。俄军同时也对拿破仑的交通补给线造成威胁。在Tarutino,库图佐夫积极地谋划下一步的作战方案,麾下的队伍也增加到十一至十二万人,增援部队还在不断开来。库图佐夫同时号召沦陷区人民组织游击队抗击侵略者,俄军骑兵也不断突击法军交通补给。拿破仑此时数次向沙皇提出议和,可是亚历山大根本不予理会。 |