本帖最后由 偶木散人 于 2019-1-5 04:23 编辑
你的问题是资料读的太多沉迷于其中不会用跳出来思考,说实话真有点走火入魔了。的确,内伊是人不是神,不可能算那么清楚,但是他作为左翼的统帅是否应该充分理解拿破仑的战略思想是要先不惜代价先消灭普军在回过头来对付英军呢?他根本没有理解这个思想。他过分关注自己在四臂村的战果而忽略了拿破仑high level战略计划是他在6月16日犯的最严重错误,其中有很多推测的原因,比如接手过晚,本人性格,感觉自己不被拿破仑信任基于证明自己等等。在瞬息万变的战场上拿破仑不可能什么都算那么清楚,除非拿破仑坐个直升机到四臂村转一圈?他给内伊的任务确实要求过高(这也是内伊后来为自己辩解的理由),这种问题在战争中并不罕见(因为敌人不可能什么都按你想的做),但是作为一个有能力的左翼统帅,当然会根据自己的判断及时调正拿破仑的命令去尽量去配合拿破仑的战略计划,这个真的需要神才能做到吗?这也怪拿破仑的战略?
Ney seems to have been so absorbed in his own battle that he was incapable of understanding that Napoleon was trying to achieve an infinitely more important strategic outcome.
另外我拜读过你的"消失的军团-戴尔隆的第一军在四臂村”, 写的非常精彩也很详细,但是你的文章里面有一个关键的错误。你说的没错,福尔班-让松(具体送信人有争论,但比较多数的观点认为是他)的命令原本是要发给内伊的,但由于福尔班-让松的参谋经验不足,他把命令传递给戴尔隆军以后就直接折返了,没有前去通报内伊。 但是你要是以为拿破仑发给内伊的对戴尔隆军的调动只有一份命令,你就太小看拿破仑及法军参谋部的通讯能力了。事实上,
Unfortunately, the message carried by Forbin-Janson has been lost, so we are unable to examine its exact wording. However, we shall see a little later that General Deselles, commander of the 1st Corps artillery, quotes the message in his own account of what happened. Even if we do not know the exact wording, it was clearly an order direct from the emperor, putting Napoleon’s own stamp on the importance of the order written by Soult and carried by Colonel Laurent in much the same way that Napoleon had sent a reiteration of his orders in the morning of the 15th, using his own personal staff officers to send duplicates of the formal orders sent by the major génèral. He was to use this method throughout the campaign and it was his own way of ensuring the orders got to the right place, often more quickly than through the established process. It is therefore not surprising that on this occasion too Napoleon’s own order reached d’Erlon before that of Soult, which had to go via Ney.
With Forbin-Janson having forgotten to continue his mission to inform Marshal Ney of Napoleon’s order to d’Erlon, it was by Soult’s written order that the marshal first learnt of the 1st Corps’s march towards Ligny. Colonel Heymès, Ney’s ADC/chief-of-staff, wrote:
It was at this time that Colonel Laurent, sent from Imperial Headquarters, came to inform the marshal that the 1st Corps, by the emperor’s order, which had already been given to General d’Erlon, had left the Brussels road instead of following it, and was moving in the direction of Saint Amand. General d’Elcambre [Delcambre], the chief-of-staff of this corps, arrived soon after to announce the action it was taking.
所以内伊根本就不是你文章里所说的“听到德尔康布尔告诉他第1军已改向离去,如同挨了当头一棒”,内伊是先收到了拿破仑发给他的调动德尔隆军的命令之后才见到德尔康布尔的。你这样的改动实际上减轻了内伊的责任,好像是拿破仑什么都没有跟他说越级就擅自调走第一军,而他本人正面临不断增强的英军的压力,你是在写小说吗? 问题不在于内伊是否收到拿破仑发给他的德尔隆军调令,而是在于这份调令的语气(wording)没有强调需要内伊不惜一切代价放德尔隆走。拿破仑在另外一个战场,不可能非常了解四臂村的战况,但是内伊如果是一个有战略眼光的元帅级的指挥官,难道就不能理解放弃四臂村的争夺而死死拖住威灵顿不让他驰援里尼的普军,这个符合拿破仑战略思想(分割英军普军,先歼灭普军)的目标吗? 这也需要神才行???