本帖最后由 拉摩的侄儿 于 2018-12-31 02:19 编辑
Monsieur le maréchal, the emperor has received your last report dated from Gembloux; you only inform the emperor that two Prussian columns have passed Sauvenières and Sart-à-Walhain; however, reports say that a third column, which was strong, has passed Genz and Gentinnes heading for Wavre.
但是注意,这里苏尔特不仅提到了这支军队“has passed Genz and Gentinnes”(米约的报告),还说他们“heading for Wavre”,这明显是17日他不知道的信息,那么情报从哪里来的了?这才有了92#的那些推理。
右边的两个绿色箭头,是法军最早以为的普军撤退路线,最左面的那个箭头,是米约17日新发现的撤退路线。但是为什么,到了18日,苏尔特一口咬定这支普军heading for Wavre(图中绿色细线箭头就当可能的行军路线之一吧)呢?
Since Quatre-Bras, the division of Domon was detached to scout along the left bank of the Dyle, along to the Brussels road; the 4th Regiment of Chasseurs passed the bridge at Moustier, where his skirmishers opened fire with their carbines at the Prussian cavalry. With the onset of night, the division returned and bivouacked to the right of headquarters.
虽然Berton没有在场,但却是唯一发表过相关内容的将领。而图中的蓝色箭头,大致就是多蒙的行动路线。而他在Moustier的发现,以及苏尔特收到的其它我们不知道的情报,让苏尔特得出了米约发现的那支兵力不在少数的普军has passed Genz and Gentinnes heading for Wavre的结论。