
近卫军名将 - 赤胆忠心的“圣贤”德鲁奥 电影《滑铁卢》DVD-5一张钱老神作 THE CAMPAIGNS OF NAPOLEON
拿破仑所著小说《克利松与欧仁妮》波兰军团的创始者——东布罗夫斯基 路易斯-皮雷•蒙布伦和他的骑兵生涯
楼主: 偶木散人

[原创] 拿破仑的最后一战滑铁卢战役总结与研究

 楼主| 发表于 2019-1-1 07:51:04 | 显示全部楼层
iron duke 发表于 2018-12-31 06:44


关于1815年法军,以下Perhaps Houssaye的评价是经常引用多的:
Such was the army of 1815 – impressionable, critical, without discipline, and without confidence in its leaders, haunted by the dread of treason, and on that account perhaps, liable to sudden fits of panic; it was nevertheless, instinct with warlike aspirations and loving war for its own sake, fired with a thirst for vengeance; it was capable of heroic efforts and furious impulses; it was more impetuous, more excited, more eager for the fray than any other Republican or Imperial Army after or before it. Napoleon had never before handled an instrument of war, which was at once so formidable, and yet so fragile.

你列出例子说明法国法军上下如何不计前嫌对拿破仑很忠诚愿意战斗,可是相反的例子我这里也一大把, for example:

Captain de Brack of the Imperial Guard Lancers summed up the feeling of the army:
The French army of the Hundred Days was not of the pure imperial sort. Already the few months of peace and the Restoration had changed it; the passive obedience, silent, respectful, confident, had been impaired. Its march, on campaign, was no longer cheerful firmness, heedless of ill, enthusiastic, the first cause of our success. Selfishness and treason (背叛)circulated in its veins, and it had the feeling of their vile fever.

Once again, the writings after the battle were quick to identify its cause. Lemonnier-Delafosse:
Although the entire army was superb and full of enthusiasm, it was necessary to inject new blood into its leadership; but the emperor … made the mistake of putting it back under its old leaders. Most, despite their speeches to the king, had not ceased to speak in support of the imperial cause; but nevertheless they did not appear disposed to serve with the enthusiasm and devotion that the circumstances demanded. These were no longer the men who, full of youth and ambition, were generous with their lives to gain promotion and fame; they were men tired of war, and, having achieved the highest positions, enriched by the spoils of war or the generosity of Napoleon, had no other desire than to enjoy their fortune peacefully in the shadow of their laurels.

The shortcomings and doubtful loyalties of many senior officers were obvious to the many loyal generals. (引自Field, Andrew. Waterloo: The French Perspective )

General Delort, who commanded a division of cuirassiers at Waterloo, later wrote:
Finally, a great number of generals and officers who had not only loyally served the king, but had also demonstrated a great devotion to him and to the princes of his family, were placed, by a bizarre twist of fortune, in a very difficult position, between the honour and love of his country, between the need that prescribed loyalty and the necessity to fight to support the dignity and independence of France. These strong conflicting motives in the hearts of the generals threw them into irresolution and discouragement.

Sergeant Mauduit summed up the feelings of the soldiers:
‘… a great fault had been committed, in employing certain commanders, for whom the words “glory” and “patrie” no longer had the same significance as for their subordinates....
Too many of our generals were no longer worthy of commanding such troops; some of them traitors (叛徒)on the inside, spoke against the triumph of our arms; others, incapable, indecisive and lacking spirit, went into battle half-heartedly.’

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-1-1 08:00:39 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-1-1 08:04:38 | 显示全部楼层
iron duke 发表于 2019-1-1 07:18
这不越争越明白么,那个“多数”里,现在不摘出那个达武和很多将军因其不适合指挥大兵团反对封帅是个子虚 ...

请举出证据:“还有那个儒尔当政治不可靠的原出处作者大卫钱德勒”, 要不你给罗伯茨写封信求证一下?
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发表于 2019-1-1 08:06:22 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
偶木散人 发表于 2019-1-1 07:51
这也是一个不知道你想要辩论什么的问题。1815年法军的优缺点很多著作都有论述,我想你应该读过很多。以你 ...

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-1-1 08:08:06 | 显示全部楼层
iron duke 发表于 2019-1-1 07:31
第二次马伦哥,格鲁希带的师是三个步兵旅加三个骑兵团,在诺维是带师是两个步兵旅,在霍恩林登是三个步兵 ...

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发表于 2019-1-1 08:11:18 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
偶木散人 发表于 2019-1-1 08:04
请举出证据:“还有那个儒尔当政治不可靠的原出处作者大卫钱德勒”, 要不你给罗伯茨写封信求证一下?

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-1-1 08:14:41 | 显示全部楼层
iron duke 发表于 2019-1-1 07:50
格鲁希能力够不?够。格鲁希那点错能影响战役结果么?一点不能,瓦兰那个局别说换达武或苏尔特,絮歇一起来也 ...

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发表于 2019-1-1 08:17:31 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
偶木散人 发表于 2019-1-1 08:08
你列的都是你自己的看法,格鲁希和苏尔特谁适合独立指挥北方军团的右翼,在战役前从以往经验上看当然是苏 ...

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-1-1 08:27:15 | 显示全部楼层
iron duke 发表于 2019-1-1 08:06
你这些主要是叛徒恐惧症的例子吧。这是另一回事了,不说官兵了,拿破仑还怀疑过达武有二心呢,后才发现达 ...

“叛徒恐惧症?” 这么多人都有同样的“叛徒恐惧症”???  对不起,威灵顿也有,请看下面:

Given the lack of commitment and loyalty shown by the marshals to the emperor on his return, it is little wonder that Wellington, when asked if he expected any of Napoleon’s army to desert, replied,
‘Not upon a man, from a colonel to the private in a regiment both inclusive. We may pick up a marshal or two, perhaps; but not worth a damn.’


Chef de bataillon Jolyet tells us how his own popular regimental colonel lost his command:
At the review, when the emperor passed before our regiment, he demanded to know who was in command. Cubières [one of the battalion commanders] advanced and said, ‘Sire, it is Colonel de Beurnonville; but he is sick’. Napoleon replied immediately: ‘Beurnonville is not one of ours; it is you, Colonel Cubières, who will take immediate command of the 1st Léger’. Cubières wanted to refuse; but the emperor made a sign of impatience and moved away. We left the review without much enthusiasm. We were sad to be separated from our good colonel Beurnonville, and above all sad thinking of the terrible struggles that were ahead. However, we took some comfort thinking that the brave Cubières would be leading us under the Tricolour against the enemy.'

另外,请你搞清楚我的观点再辩,我没有那么多时间耗在这些无谓的争论上。我说的是由于很多senior officer 和 commander 的忠诚度存在问题,影响到了1815年法军的cohesion. 以上举得那么多例子都在说明这个。

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发表于 2019-1-1 08:28:07 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
偶木散人 发表于 2019-1-1 08:14
对不起我从1815年战役结果上批评格鲁希了吗,你查查我写的帖子的历史有这些话吗?事实上我也没有认为格鲁 ...

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